I just wanted to post a blog with some pictures, while we are in Phnom Penh on our day off.
I hope you enjoy. Know that we are all doing well and loving this month.

Got welcomed by kids with baby powder (notice how I avoided it lol)

We ride bikes to places.

The world on the school/church building.

My friend Som Nang during a birthday celebration. I'll talk more about him later.

Vuthy being a servant and getting Dex a coconut.

Mode of transportation to the lake

The lake. Man-made for irrigation. It's huge!

Hammock relaxation with my world ball!

House visit at an elder's house.

Annalisa and her 'Little Man' on the way to a party.

    Alright, so I have lots more pictures from the first two weeks alone, but cannot post them all. I will get them up to Facebook at some point, just not this month. I am blessed to be here and am loving every second of it. Thanks for the constant prayers and encouragement! Love you all!

    Stay tuned for the next blog or possibly series of blogs referring to a Jack-in-the-Box and its subsequent explosion out of the box! Jesus is good and I love Him SOOO MUCH!!!

   In the words of Tigger, TTFN, Ta-Ta for Now!