Jeremiah 29:11

  So as my time on this fast comes to a close, I am strangely aware of a few things.
 But first, for those who do not know, on August 4th I received an e-mail from my teammate Chelsea saying that she was going on a 20 day fast. I, for some reason, immediately ask God if I am to join her on this fast…His answer came to me after getting a text from my other teammate Zeb, saying that he was joining Chelsea on the fast and as I read his text message I heard God whisper, ‘Yes, son, join.’
  After those words, well I didn’t really know what I was getting into, but I told Chelsea that I would join her on her fast, but felt that God wanted me to do a 7 day ‘juice and water fast’ and then the remainder of the time to be (turned into 14 days) to be on the ‘Daniel fast’…which the Daniel fast is not eating any food or man-altered products, i.e. bleached/enriched foods…so, I got some organic foods from Publix and have been surviving on that the past two weeks.
 I know, I know…I’m insane and I should be slapped for being worse than vegan for two weeks. I say that because vegans don’t have to eat organically, but just wait for what’s next…
Anyways, here is a list of things I have come to realize:
  • Days three and four of a juice/water fast are crazy intense with massive headaches and feelings of sickness I have ever felt, mainly due to my body cleansing itself of all the filth that was in it.


  • Relying on God for everything, including sustenance is fascinating and liberating, in that come days 5-7 of the juice/water fast I had more energy than I think I have ever had in my entire life. I strongly believe that energy was from God alone.


  • Organic foods are crazy expensive and very hard to find, even in Publix when their Greenwise products are not all in one central location (ya’ll should fix this, just sayin’).


  • Doing a juice/water fast and Daniel fast while working in a kitchen at Camp Boggy Creek with Chef Albert making cupcakes, brownies, cookies and cake is very difficult and those smells, let alone the smells of pizza, bacon, burgers, curly fries and everything else I usually eat is beyond irrational and only God could get me through that. (Praise break: Thank you Lord for helping me survive!)


  • American non-organic foods are so full of filth and crap (i.e., preservatives and such) that we think is helping us in the long-run with shelf-life and everything, but in truth our health should be more important and I really am disgusted by the crap they put in food now… (even though I’ll probably still be eating some of it the next month before I leave).


  • Last thing for this list, I weighed 185 all through high school, but was in no way in good shape. I went to Flagler College and by the time I moved off-campus (my last semester) I weighed about 240 lbs. and was completely out of shape. Before training camp I weighed 202.5 lbs. I don’t know how much I weighed after camp, but after the first week fasting on juice and water I weighed 191 lbs. and last Wednesday (the 18th) I weighed 185 lbs. Now, I weigh roughly 181 to 182 lbs. and am a lot better shape than I have every been. I mention this because for the longest time I have wanted to get back to my high school weight but could never pull it off…until now after surrendering the last few weeks to God, He has taken ownership to where I am now 181/182 lbs. and there’s still 12 months to go….Can’t wait to see what He does to my body (His temple). Yes please!
 Finally, I have been trying to figure out what God wanted me to learn from all of this and beside the points above He has been drilling me more and more on my favorite verse (Jeremiah 29:11…”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.”) He has always known I would end up on the Race, now it’s dawning on me why…
     I got shipped Red Letters by Tom Davis (thanks Brandi!) and am almost done with it, but had to stop for a second to write. At the beginning of chapter 7 there are ‘red letters’ that read: ‘God’s Spirit is on me; He’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the burdened and battered free, to announce, ‘This is God’s year to act!'” (Luke 4:18-19)
   Words from Christ, but as I read them God whispered, ‘These are your words too, my son, these are your words to…breathe them in!’ :’-) 
   Yes, I teared up and yes I believe them…oh wow! I cannot wait for what He is going to do this next year through me and my squad! (Oh and S-Squad…read that last part again…’This is God’s year to act!’ that’s for us and through us…just sayin’!)
       Either way, the time for this particular fast has ended and so I go to my pie piece of Peanut Butter Explosion Pie…fare thee well!! Love you!!
But stay tuned for the next words from Him I’ll share (whatever those may be…lol)…..