Onto His Plate
It's been a little over a week and a half since I got done with my time in Chicago. I cannot tell you in words just how much I miss those kids in Safe Haven, my family there at New Life Pilsen Church, and my teammates. (Read about the last two weeks: Mountains Shaken and Tears All Around).

My amazing team and I hard-stylin'!
To be honest, it's probably five times worse than having to say goodbye to S-Squad almost a year ago. Wow!
We had a debrief time in Gainesville, Georgia with all the other Adventures Youth staff, then I spent four or so days in north Georgia waiting for my ride. Mac Mitchell, a man from my squad, may have forgot he had agreed to drive me home to Florida, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. God used the extra time to pour into me and prepare me for my second round of "re-entry" insanity with my family and hometown of Eustis, Florida.
During those days, I helped with Kingdom Dreams a little at the Adventures in Missions office and hung out with the mighty men at the Lake House (a community house full of warrior men of God set to change the world). They accepted me those few days as one of their own to share with me, listen to me, and pray over me. I even got to join their discipleship dinner with Seth Barnes.
Wednesday afternoon I got to talk and have lunch with Clint Bokelman, and it was there that the reason I was still in Gainesville for a time became ever more apparent. Clint and I talked about my time in Chicago, with me sharing stories and such, and him asking his myriad of Spirit-filled questions he is apt to ask.
Gosh I wish I could tell you all just how much God loves each and every one of you!! It's so amazing His love for us. I cannot even fathom it sometimes.
Oh, sorry, tangent (when did we get into math class??)
Anyways, my time in Gainesville came to a close when Mac and I headed out for our beautiful state, Florida. It wasn't long until God just pretty much wrecked me by Mac being bold and sharing some words from the Lord. Basically, he (He) said, I couldn't come home this time around thinking I would just rush in and take all the stresses and troubles onto my own shoulders to ease the struggles of those around me, even if I think I can (the gist of it, way longer in the truck haha).
Last Friday or so, I then had a conversation with a great man of God about a possibility working for Wycliffe during this season here in Florida. After sharing my heart with him, he helped me realize there are a lot of things I try to take on and hold onto and fix myself when it is not my place to do so nor am I truly capable of doing so.
With all that finally being said, I take all my cares, worries, stresses, and the ones I keep trying to add to my plate and give them to my Father in Heaven. I empty my plate ONTO HIS PLATE and walk away! I can do NO more with any of it, but pray and believe God, the Faithful One.
I am so much lighter now and know I have peace over this season, even if I don't know where it will lead me. I still have a desire deep in my soul to rush to Ireland, Europe, other nations to bring His Kingdom, but know that I cannot go to any place without Him and His timing. I am ready, so now I wait for the Lord on His timing!!
Please continue to pray for me in this season. Pray for God's guidance, direction, and voice to ever be present in my every day life. Also, pray for the possibility of me working for Wycliffe Bible Translators, as well as possibly leading a Passport trip with Adventures in Missions in January. I am also in search of community while here in Florida and if you know of a good one, then please let me know. Thanks!!! (Oh and let me know how I can be praying for you…I have plenty of time on my hands!)
God Bless!!
~AJ Wagoner

Left: the before my run and day! Right: clean-shavin' baby!! haha!