Alright, wow. I’m still in this state of what just happened to me….my goodness I didn’t know this could happen. Lol.
Either way, worship was led by Jonathan David Helser, his wife and their band (soooo go look them up) and well they kept mentioning stuff about The Lion King (kind of odd my team came up w/ Lionheart as our name huh?)….anyway, I was driving my mom around last night and looked in the driver-side window and totally saw these dark clouds in almost the EXACT same shape of Mufasa’s cloud in The Lion King. Mufasa’s cloud is when Rafiki has Simba look into the water to remind him of who he was. Needless to say it took more than one look and then Simba looks up and sees his father in the clouds telling him to ‘Remember, remember who you are…’
So, I’m sitting in the driver’s seat and look back in the window and see the lightning in the clouds…I immediately sense God saying, ‘Remember, remember who you are. You are my son and the rightful heir to your inheritance.’
Let me just tell you that those words rang true into my Spirit, esp. after the week w/ my new family for 11 months and beyond, because several times during prayer sessions someone would come to me prompted by the Holy Spirit to tell me that I am God’s Son and that He looks at me and says ‘It is good’…to have such words spoken over you, wow…it’s surreal and unreal at first, but the peace that flooded my heart, mind and spirit was undeniably the best feeling I’ve ever had. ‘Peace flows like a river…through my veins!!’  So amazing! 😀
I even just got reminded of a poem I wrote back in 2005 that I will share (of course, of course) and yes, it’s from the same illustration of Mufasa’s Cloud (which may become a poem title, so no taking that…just sayin’):


Remember, who you are?
You are a child of mine-
My son, my brother-
Forever your light will shine!
Remember, who you are?
You are a friend of mine-
My soldier, my warrior-
Wielder of the Sword Divine!
Remember, who you are?
You are a seed of mine-
My ally, my follower-
Always to be apart of my vine!
So, give heart and remember,
You are set apart and mine-
Have courage and strength,
For soon with me you shall dine!
(I have this slight suspicion that I will be sharing all of my poetry over the next 11 months on this blog…hmmmmm, Go JESUS!!!)