Modern-Day Slavery
     First, I'm sorry I've been more silent than ever on this blog. I've been in a weird, strange state and still trying to figure out what's going on. 
     Needless to say, I'm not leaving for Ireland this month as I had initially hoped, which is probably why I feel so out of sync. It pangs me that I can't go now to do what I feel I'm called to do, yet I know I must rely on the Father in all things. 
     Anyways, I want to talk about modern day slavery. The last few days I have been watching the live stream broadcasts online of Passion 2012 in Atlanta, GA. I really wish I could have gone. 


     Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, John Piper, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Charlie Hall, and the final performances of David Crowder Band highlighted a conference centered around the glory of God and waking up a generation to put an END to slavery. 
     They were in the Georgia Dome this year with around 45,000 college students. So awesome! I know quite a few friends who went and participated in the bringing of the Kingdom to Atlanta Georgia. 
     The theme was as you might have guessed about FREEDOM for those stuck in slavery, whether domestic or sex slavery. Today, 27,000,000 men, women and children are enslaved, which is MORE than any other time in the world's history. It breaks my heart. 
     The Passion268 leaders set a goal to raise $1 million for six organizations set to help PREVENT, RESCUE, and RESTORE individuals from their slavery. I am heartened and ecstatic to tell you that my generation stepped up to the plate to raise a little over $2.5 million for these causes and by their giving, they inspired an older couple to donate $500,000 for a grand total of a little over $3.1 MILLION to go towards the END of SLAVERY
     Throughout these past few days I have sat watching the sessions (live or past-ones) in awe of how God is AWAKENING His children to His voice and work in this world. I even watched as the Lieuteant Governor of Georgia and the Mayor of Atlanta were on stage with Louie Giglio proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ!
     It's beautiful
     So, I may not know exactly when I'll get to Ireland, nor where exactly I am now with everything going on with my family and the chaos around me, but I CAN tell you that I serve a MIGHTY GOD and a GOD of LOVE, who will not allow us to sit idly by while more of His children suffer. 
     One of the speakers said, "It's time to STOP listening to statistics and time to start CHANGING them." 
     My generation is stepping up to do this. Will you join us?? Will you join His children in beginning to step up and make a difference.