In Memorium ~
                            Greg Harvison
  Today, nothing else matters except that the world lost a Mighty Man of God!! A man that since my seventh grade year (around 1999/200, somewhere around there, oh wait it was 1998-1999) has been one of my strongest pillars! Always lifting me up and praying for me, even in my darkest moments I knew he was still praying for me.
   In Hebrews 11, Paul writes about all the great men and women who were reckoned to have faith, even those in the Old Testament and before Christ, what a list! They saw something greater than this world, than the earthly things all around us! Greg, yes Greg, is SUCH a man!! (I say is here, because he is still alive, just now with Jesus).
 By faith, he prayed diligently for me, for Marcus, for Tommy, indeed for every youth that walked through those doors. He was resolute and steadfast, never wavering! When I needed prayer or someone to talk to, Greg was there! He always had a way to get me to see past myself or the circumstances around me, in order to see God.
   So, when I first got told about Greg going to be with our Daddy, I was devastated, shocked, totally crushed. One of my strongest pillars just came crashing down and my balance was off. I didn’t know what to think.
    I prayed, or well I asked God for strength. He whispered that Greg is now with Him, free from the pain and from the devil’s torments! He showed me Greg dancing with Angie (his sister-in-law who went home last Christmas)…both worshipping Him and still lifting all those they prayed and cared for up to the Father!
    For some strange reason, my tears slowed and stilled, peace flowed over and through me like a river, and I laughed joyously at the sight of them dancing!!
    God then comforted me and when I talked to D. (former youth director) about stuff, he ended up saying that God had always been supporting me through Greg and that that is why Greg was such a strong pillar. I started thinking about this and well it’s true. I thanked God for Greg and for everything!
   Then, the pillar which I thought fell and crumbled, came back up with more strength and sturdiness and still with Greg written upon it. I didn’t understand, but God said, “Son, he’s still supporting you, just now in a more powerful manner, since he is in my presence!”
           Yeah, wow, the tears that followed……..
*Greg, I will see you again, my friend, and thank you for everything–I’ll be writing a poem for you!! I LOVE YOU!!*
A Strong Pillar (for Greg Harvison)
Such a man of God, my friend,
Always prayerful, always there for me…for us–
You never backed down,
Lionhearted through and through.
I would not be the man I am today
If it were not for you–
Your countless hours of intercession
on my behalf, were felt, my friend–
And I have no idea where I’d be without you.
I cannot fathom the depths you took
For my soul, but I do so now in your stead.
Because of you I will NEVER back down,
I will run hard after our Papa
And not let anything stop me!
You made an impression on this world,
One for the ages, a true legacy–
Yes, my friend, my brother,
Forever in our hearts,
Forever in our memories–
Greg Harvison, I love you and I WILL see you again!
*By A.J. Wagoner
In memorium Greg Harvison
Now with Jesus
August 29,2010
 To end this blog, I have no idea what’s coming next, but the enemy has thrown a full-scale attack against my heart and soul. I am NOT afraid and I will NOT back down….NO MORE will I, Andrew Justin Wagoner, be afraid of him or anything thrown my way! I’ve learned from the best…Greg Harvison. I’ll be back with other things I’m sure…please subscribe…I feel my pen filling up once more and I don’t think the enemy can dry it this time!
   If you would like to sponsor me and support me on The World Race, then please go to the ‘Support Me!’ tab on the left-hand side! I love you all and I am taking up my cross and praying for you all! go in peace and in His love!