Life in a Day
     July 24th 2010. I was in the throes of training camp for The World Race learning about myself, my squad, my  hopes and dreams, my God. It was a week of intensity to get through the baggage I carried. 
     It was crazy, yet so WORTH it!
     Today, a friend posted the video below and I watched it riveted and intrigued. 
     It made me think more about my last year and the faces and people I have met on my journey. It made me think of long forgotten verses God wrote on my heart, verses of sorrow, joy, pain, freedom. 
     It made me think of how I used to see the world compared to how I see it today. It is vastly different than before. 
     Seven billion people on earth and we are the sum of us all. Every love, every fear, every thought of the next meal or next sound of laughter from the children in our lives. Men, women and children who go through their days living and breathing like the rest of us. 
     Sure some seem to have interesting lives, while others seem to be the stump on the log with nothing to offer. If you look closer, however, you will see the lie in that statement. We ALL have something to offer.  We ALL have a life to live and a life worth sharing. 
     Yes, every love that we have, every fear we let hold us back, every dream worthy of notice is important…special in its own right to bring something to the table to show the world what we are all about. 
     I have a dream to mobilize Europe for the Kingdom of God, to see my generation rise up and stand firm in Truth and Love. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream for equality and where men are not judged on the basis of color, but on the substance of their character. The Korean bicyclist (first of all super legit) has a dream to one day see North and South Korea united once more. 
     Yes, this video on a life in a day from SO many countries and entries speaks to the volume of just how alike we are. I noticed it on the Race…where mothers and fathers in East Africa desire the same things mothers and fathers in the United States do; where men and women long to be seen and heard in order to feel significant; where teenagers fawn over the same measures of acceptance and desires; where children just long to play and laugh and feel the love and warmth of family. 
     Regardless of age, color, nationality, or even sexuality we all long for love and freedom from the chains of the fears and insecurities that plague us. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, after staring the other major religions in the eye of those who practice them that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to feel such love and gain such freedom. I have seen the hopelessness in the eyes of men, women and children, yet when those same ones come to know who Jesus truly is and how much He loves them…my God the difference is astounding! Their very countenance changes and hope, love and JOY sparkles in their eyes. 
     I encourage you to watch the video and thank Him for allowing us all to come together each and every day, whether we know it or not…we are ALL ONE.

   *stay tuned for what's next…