Journey to the Top: Part 2
So, I started the hike up this mountain after going through the
valley, allowing Him to lead me every step of the way; allowing Him to
guide me to natural paths at times, as well as to the more not so
natural paths with wickedly devious plants full of thorns and prickly
things. It was during this time that I came to a realization:
we go through life, we will journey through the valleys to get to where
God needs us to go, as well as through the muck and mire of the chaos
around us. During these journeys we will be pricked, cut, stabbed, and
all around scratched up by the thorns of life. Throughout this process
though, we will be given new senses of hope and freedom to step out
boldly into the men and women of God He has created us to be.
I got to the top of one plateau and God called me further in to the
deepness of the wilderness. Every step felt like it took ten minutes.
Every fight through the underbrush caught and snared me, as the filth of
this world sometimes does to ensnare the lives of God’s precious
Finally, I came through the thickets and found myself on a small
valley between the tops of two different valleys, which you could only
get to if you climbed it. It was serene and beautiful all around. His
presence and beauty were so thick. I walked around and came across an
area of rocks, perfect for spending some time with Him. I reached my
destination….yet was still so far away.