Journey Through
A journey through the desert,
Dry and arid,
No water to be found,
Surrounded by sand and thorns–
Thorns of the cacti spikes.
We come to a pass and enter,
Enter into the wilderness
No food, no sustenance,
But that which He provides–
Manna and quail to the heart's delight.
So, we journey through these times,
We pass through water,
Through fire;
We pass through the dark
And go in over our head–
We lose all hope, in Hell itself…
We curse and die, yet we do not.
We continue forward with God,
And cleave to His love and truth
As we stare darkness in the face,
We praise God in the Highest,
Glory to His Name.
A journey to shatter through–
Shatter through the prisons around us
And step into the fresh air
Of His Glorious garden,
Our secret place.
Yes, we allow the deep of our souls
Call unto the deep of Him
To bask in His beauty and grace,
To relish every second in His embrace
As He claws away the filth
Of an existence lost in space and time
Within the heart of a broken world.