Jack-in-the-Box Explosion

    So, the day of the 10th progresses with the enemy working hard to frustrate us all with sicknesses and errant thoughts of negativity, especially in regards to the food.

    God reminded me of something I read in Sun Stand Still in Guatemala: the idea that God desires us whole physically, healthwise and if we just declare that over ourselves each day the power of the enemy to disrupt our health will diminish. I can testify to this being true because I tried it in Guatemala and was completely healthy.

    I say this because as Vuthy has told us, he only gets sick when he is here doing ministry and not when he is in Phnom Penh, especially this month with the fourteenth to the sixteenth being the New Year celebrations within Buddhism in this country. So families are offering lots of sacrifices to idols and evil spirits, who despise the work Vuthy is doing here. They constantly try to discourage him and get him to give up, yet he doesn't.

    It doesn't help that the ministry location is in the center of four temples that are around this village! Crazy!

    I need to point this out for what came next…

    Sunday late afternoon/early evening, as I worked on getting the blog titled 'Loss of Words' up and loaded, Vuthy's father (home for the holidays) made a drunken spectacle during the evening volleyball game that Som Nang was playing in. The brothers tried to contain the situation, but already the damage was done.

    My heart broke for Vuthy as I could see the trouble and concern on his face. Then, when I saw Som Nang ride off on his bike, all the joy from his face gone, my heart shattered. I was troubled.

    We ate dinner, but before I sat down I circled the property praying and weeping in my soul. I let God's words flow from my lips to combat the evil spirits here and I prayed fervently for Vuthy and his family!

    I couldn't talk during dinner and I still ate the pork, just sharing that it wasn't the food causing us to be sick, but the enemy and his minions who do not like us bringing more of Christ's love and power here! They wanted to disrupt our work!!

    When we went inside, after we prayed for Annalisa and how shaken she was because of her heart breaking, I shared what the young men had said to me and how my heart was broken when I saw Som Nang so visibly shaken. I wept and we started praying.

    I told the team how I started singing the chorus to 'Break Every Chain' by United Pursuit Band and so as we prayed, we played that song. I sang and just sat in front of the door (precaution from anything or anyone bursting in to cause harm). I prayed along with everyone else, letting them take the reins to start, but then Jonathan David Helser's song, 'I Will Not Be Silent' came on.

    … … … … …

    God's presence was THICK, Holy Spirit in and around us and constantly I could feel the crank to the box being turned, then Father's hand stopped and as Helser's song started, I laughed……………………..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    And….EXPLODED in a torrent of words to pray against the enemy and his attacks against us, against the ministry, and against Vuthy's family. It transitioned into the most explosive words in God's language ever, even than the time praying for Team B.R.A.D.Y. in Granada, Nicaragua. I felt exhilarated and full of life, yet noticing how much energy it was taking to speak in His power. His bright light of GLORY coursing through me and around me. The very tatters of a box that once contained me and my voice strewn around me.

    Now, I move forward in Him and the world will NEVER be the same. The stomach bug is also gone…thank goodness!! (From me at least that I know of).

    *It figures that I would type something about not having words and then something like this would happen and my pen would be unable to stop. I love it though, so thank you Father for ALL that you do and I LOVE you!!