I Almost Didn’t Go!

    First, enjoy a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving and my walk with the Lord…He never ceases to amaze me! (Sorry those I added to the last blog…oops!)

    Second, on Saturday, the 27th, we planned to go on a 5 hour hike to a waterfall, but it turned out to be too expensive for us to do, so we decided to take the boys to the beach…

    I really wasn’t in the mood to go to the beach. I was in a weird place and I felt like I shouldn’t go, yet through talking with a couple of brothers and sisters, I decided to go. God showed up in this decision!!

    Here’s some highlights:

  • Seeing the boys exuberance and excitement in going to the beach.

  • The drive to the beach, so picturesque and gorgeous!
  • Riding a boat for 45-ish minutes to get to an island beach.

  • Amazing scenery all around.

  • The boys laughter.
  • Swimming in the Pacific Ocean (watching Ms. Aston overcome her fear).
  • Eating a fried fish eye 
  • The cave filled with large bats.

  • Jumping off of rocks into the ocean (even the cutting up of hands from said rocks).

  • A shower by small buckets.
  • Watching a fifteen-year-old boy cut up a stingray for his family!

  • The boys showing off their sea critters they caught.

  • The glorious displays from God all day long, especially the sunset!!!

    And to think I almost missed all of this for whatever reasoning that was going on in my head to not go. I am SO thankful for my sisters pressing me to go and trying to help me figure out why I didn’t have a desire to go. God is truly good and truly faithful in revealing His Glory! Love you all!

    We made it to Granada, Nicaragua for debrief and it is so amazing to see the rest of the squad and catch up with everyone. New plans…No Costa Rica until the end of December, instead my team will be going to Panama to work with some pastors and put together a Christmas program…I am SO STOKED!!