Heart, Purity, and Spiritual Sensitivity
As I was reveling in God’s beauty on the rocks He brought me to, I
began listening to the podcast and God began revealing things within me
that were not of Him.
The podcast speaks about having purity of heart, which encompasses
the mind, emotions, will, and conscience (Matthew 9:4, John 6:16, Acts
11:13, Acts 2:27) and that when any one of these are impure for any of
the most slightest of reasons that there is a cloud placed between our
spirit and God’s Spirit.
I kept listening to the podcast for both parts of it and God began
revealing things to me that I had allowed to block my spirit from His.
Anything from holding on to worries and cares from back home to holding
on to anger or frustrations with those I’m spending this year with to
even allowing the enemy attack my thoughts about what worship looks
like. It was tough to swallow at first, but it was so clear and true
that I repented to God of all things and asked for His forgiveness.
Another part of the podcast speaks of our only two obligations being
those of obeying God and of loving in the way that He loves. The
central nature of God is love (1 John 4:8b). This very truth means that
all we need is love, for love is the very power of God. Oh wow…

The speaker goes on to explain how God is Love and God is Light and
for us to fully minister we must have an open channel of love between
our spirit and God’s Spirit…that is when it operates at its fullest
and greatest extent.
In light of all of this from the podcast and for what God showed me,
I wept. I wept because I realized that I had let things interfere with
the connection between myself and God and my connection with God is what
I yearn for the most. I cannot describe or write how God showed up, but
He showed up before me and in my Spirit with such power and truth. I
prayed and cast off all the filth and the lies the enemy keeps trying to
get me to believe.

Then, after some time watching His clouds and creation before me, I
worshiped. I sang whatever words came to my lips from deep down within
my soul and I sang them with a renewed passion for Him and a new hope
that only He can give. I’m now ready to step out into who He says I am
and to love with a reckless abandonment never seen before.

Proverbs 23:36 ~ “My Son, give me your heart, let your eyes observe my ways.”
The next post is a poem I wrote on the mountaintop.