This week was an amazing week!! Numerous occasions we have gone to
bless those we are working with, yet somehow we end up being blessed
instead or at the same time pretty much.

On Monday, we went to the orphanage and immediately went out to the
area where a basketball goal is going that we are help clearing the hill
for. Such fun work and tiring work, yet still fun. That night I spoke
at the YWAM praise and worship night on ‘Cleaving to God’ and even
though it was only about a 15 minute talk or so, everyone loved it.

Tuesday was the hospital and then that night some of us helped YWAM
with a soup run and the experience was nothing short of amazing being
able to give food out to the homeless at different locations around
Antigua. Ridiculous! Plus, Zeb and Carlos trying to fit in the front
seat of Mark’s car was priceless…esp. with the fact that Carlos is
ticklish as Zeb found out!

                                                   Alejendra with my world ball! She’s precious!

Wednesday, we went back to the orphanage to knock out some more of the
hill and they ended up preparing an amazing, super amazing, super super
amazing lunch for us to show their appreciation. So delicious! The meat
was epic! Glendy even had a word from the Lord in Matthew about though
we may not see the benefits of the work we do, it doesn’t negate the
hard work we have put in, nor minimize the fact that we are doing God’s
work no matter what. I really started to break down.

Then that night we had small group at our contact’s house and we talked
about being the light of the world and Luis even had a candle with the
lights off to pray over everyone in the small group. It was our last
night with Luis as he left Thursday morning to go to the States to
garner support for his ministry.  So, we prayed over him and his family
to bless them…then out of no where they wanted to pray for us and even
anointed us for the rest of our journey…I couldn’t hold it in. I

Thursday was the hospital again and then I went around town with
Shannon to run errands and we or well I talked about a lot of stuff. It
was good to just talk to my team leader. We went that night to Mark and
his family’s house and played games and had popcorn, chili/parmesan
popcorn and fudge jumbles (heavenly). Mark’s son, Christopher, showed me
some games he plays online, which were pretty cool, then apparently I
made his night for being the one adult he has found that loves playing
Smash Brothers, which we definitely did! I also lost in Wii tennis to
both of Mark’s daughters…ridiculous! I’d like to say I let them win,
but really they were just good at it. Oh well.

Friday was the orphanage and we got a lot more done on the moving of
the hill…our part is done basically, only a little bit left to move in
wheel barrels, but Diego will be taking care of that part. He’s
beastly. For dinner we went out as a team to Monoloco and the Magic/Heat
game was on the T.V. (I was entranced…until we started losing
horribly…not cool).
                                                                                            Half the dirt we moved…  

around this has been an amazing week, yet a saddening week for our time
is quickly approaching to say our goodbyes and leave for Honduras…the
kids at the orphanage have definitely captured my heart and it is going
to be tough.

Stay tuned to hear about the epic light saber battle….