   So, last night I was talking to Chels-Bells (Chelsea, totally just now made that up…lol) and she just bursted with exuberance that as I drove around today doing errands that I totally ATL it up and that at some point God will give me some sort of revelation. I agreed, mainly that prior to this I had already asked God for a new spiritual name, a name more intune with who He has created me to be.
   Today, I embarked on this journey to run errands, but doing so while ‘Asking-the-Lord’ on where to go and going in the way He leads me. I went to Camp Boggy Creek and got my last check and some things to sell in a yard sale (whenever that may happen), then on towards some banks and to get gas. All the while praying, ‘God where could do you need me to go? Where can I be of service?’ His answer: Target.
   I headed to Target and proceeded to just roam the store with no apparent aim or goal. I looked at the clothes and saw an awesome hat that I picked up thinking I’d buy it. Walked around every aisle and every possible place. I had this sense I should pray for one of the girls in the pharmacy that I know on Facebook, but I somehow got intimitated by that thought and didn’t do it. I left and went to my church and used the student director’s computer to print some things off. After I got done, which seemed like it took forever, I kind of just felt bad about not praying over the girl or well young woman in Target, so I went back and started walking around again, totally intending to pray over her. I asked God to just send her out from behind the counter and stuff, so I could talk to her because for some reason I didn’t want to seem like a creep. I felt like one, so I’m sure if they look at the video tapes it would look like I am…lol. God didn’t answer that prayer though.
   Kind of threw me off. I walked around again, got some duo-dry boxer-briefs (oy, so open here goodness I’m crazy) and then looked at the paintings they had for sale. All of them had a spiritual meaning in one way or another and words popped out at me all over the store. Embrace. Passion. Awakening.
   I pondered these words. Pondered them. And pondered some more. I couldn’t figure out why these words stood out to me. I headed back towards the pharmacy to just pluck up my courage and ask the young woman if I could pray for her….she was gone. My heart dropped. I didn’t do what I felt I was supposed to. Crap. (Oh I also picked up the hat I was going to buy and bought it with the boxers, lol…$31.01~ that part for you Chels-Bells!)
   So, what to do now? Where to turn? I prayed and drew closer to Him. I went to Chick-fil-A and got some food, then to the post office to get stamps and send out a bunch of thank-you cards, before going to the bus stop that my niece and nephew get dropped off at; all the while, still just pondering those words. Embrace. Passion. Awakening.
   I then came home with the kids in the car and proceeded to send messages to people and start looking into the matter of these words that I couldn’t get out of my head….
   You won’t believe my discovery…stay tuned to the next blog to find out my possible new name!! 😀
Passion flower
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I really could use all the help and prayers I can get. 😀