Curtain Falls
     One of my heart's desires is to publish a poetry book titled 'My Hope Eternal' to glorify my Father in Heaven, the one who has given me this gift with words. During my journey on The World Race, I wrote around 50 to 51 poems from walking alongside God in the nations. 
     When I got home, I knew He had called me to publish a book of these poems, which would eventually help provide the funds for me to go into the nations again with Him.
     I set up a Kickstarter page and started promoting it. If you are friends with me on Facebook or Twitter, then you likely have seen my posts. 
     The page ended today, the curtain falls, and as I would LOVE to tell you that the project got funded and I can move forward with the publication of the book, I cannot do that for the project was not funded. 
     Part of me wants to despair. Part of me is even now asking God from my heart of hearts all the questions starting with 'why'. Other parts are at a loss for words and not sure what to do. 
     Yet, one part wrote this: 
In Due Time
Daddy, my heart aches, 
my soul feels dry and weary
for our words cannot be shared
and the night wanes, so dreary.
I am not sure what to do!
Guide me, direct me, speak to me.
Papa, did I fail you, 
did I falter upon your true decrees. 
"My dear son, peace, peace to your soul.
All things go by my design and hand, 
soon will the words echo out;
I will not leave you to the quicksand.
I've got you, beloved, 
I work with good reason and rhyme, 
you shall learn all very soon…trust me,
and our words will rise up, in due time.
In due time the nations will shake
or reverberate with my holy voice,
while I breathe life to all once more,
the very air will sing and rejoice.
Yes, my adored one, 
take heart and watch the shadow's mime
for harmony takes to wing,
and our words penetrate atmospheres, in due time."
So, I bask in such echoes of glory
to await the cycle and share our story,
while His hands craft the avenue
for truest poetical break through.
My friends, take heart.
He works for me and you, so climb–
climb against the grain and dream;
they will come to pass, in due time.
~By: A.J. Wagoner