Here is why this struck a chord with me: early yesterday I read Michael Hinde's blog post titled "Starting with a 10" about not jumping to conclusions about people and so making it that they have to EARN their position with you, but starting with a perfect 10 over them to begin with. 
     After hearing the analysts' terms on this once touted 'BUST', but now capable of possibly taking the 49er's to a Super Bowl win, I realized Jim Harbaugh didn't see a 'BUST' or a number 1 or 2 over Alex Smith. No, Coach Harbaugh saw a 10 and believed in Alex Smith from the get-go. It has made all the difference. 


     So, instead of telling your child or teenager they can't do it, tell them they can succeed in their endeavors. Instead of telling your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend that they are a low-down dirty scumbag who is a liar and a cheater, tell them you are with them through thick and thin, through every obstacle and that you BELIEVE in who they are. 
     Instead of tearing down all those around you, lift them up. Instead of making everyone work to receive acceptance from you, accept them for who they truly are from the get go. 
     Finally, instead of telling YOURSELF you can't do this or that, tell YOURSELF that you can, that you will, and that NOTHING will deter you from becoming the best you you can possibly be. 
     A little secret….*shhh, share with everyone*….God says that to you and about you! He says He BELIEVES in YOU!! So, why would you not do so as well. 
     For Alex Smith, they said he went through so many offensive coordinators and coaches since entering the league, but only Coach Jim Harbaugh has truly showed and told Alex that he believes in him as the starting quarterback of the 49er's. It makes all the difference. 


     So, who can you tell today that you believe in them?? 
     A family member? Your husband/wife? Your children? Your best friends?? Maybe the neighbor next door or the mailman? Or maybe a complete stranger on the street? 
     Better yet, yourself??
     It makes ALL the difference. 
     Please comment and tell me what you think. Thanks! Merry Christmas!!

*images taken from Google images