Yesterday was Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Matt Synder wrote a blog I am going to share with you now, about a one man’s view on prostitution. It left me without words. I thought about what if that was my sister, my child, or even me? The truth of the matter is 27.1 million people are trapped in Human Trafficking. Contributing to the problem is the industry of pornagraphy and legalized prostitution. By creating a market, you create competiton from “pimps” who don’t want to follow health codes, laws, age restrictions and such. Black markets rise up more and more. They are looking for younger unspoiled girls and boys. These markets exist because somewhere along the way, men and women detached a part of their humanity and their hearts and fed on pure self serving pleasure seeking motives. They have lied to themselves in many ways, telling themselves these people are less than human, convincing themselves that they actually want to do this with their lives.
People are bought and sold each day. Lives are ruined. AIDS, hep, and many other illnesses are widely spread, children are born into it to be raised in brothels and forced to work when they are older. By older this could mean 6 years old. I have gone to these countries. I have seen the men at night in the bars with these girls. I have wanted to break off every finger on the hands of the men touching those ladies hair, their backs, their thighs. But that won’t change anything. My anger will not help. Instead I chose to use my voice to raise up awareness and to get people motivated to do the same.
Please read this, thoroughly give your attention to it. These are real attitudes that contribute to the pain. Giving a world issue a national day is one thing, raising up the voice God gave you daily is another. Read up, and then raise up. They need our help.
Matt Synders Blog

I remember the first time I had sex-I still have the receipt. The girl was alive, as far as I could tell, she was warm and she was better than nothing. She cost me £20.
Horsely describes himself by claiming,
I am a connoisseur of prostitution: I can take its bouquet, taste it, roll it around my mouth, give you the vintage. I have used brothels, saunas, private homes from the Internet and ordered girls to my flat prompt as pizza.
A prostitute exists outside the establishment. She is either rejected by it or in opposition to it, or both. It takes courage to cross this line.