So here it was that we found ourselves blessed with the approval of Heidi Baker (the big boss) for a ten day outreach to the remote villages of Mozambique in the province of Nampula. It would take us 8 hours or so to drive to our first location. The picture below is the vehicle that we used to transport 25 or so people, camping gear, food, water, sound systems, etc… for those days.

It was 8 days of camping out in villages and sharing food and time with the local people and then at night setting up in a soccer field or a school ground. The side of the truck could drop down and suddenly you have a stage and the speakers are up. The awesome worship dance duo would bust out moves that made you feel like you were in a hip hop aerobics class and they would loop beat the keyboard with some awesome techno background while playing organ style worship and you had yourself a party. After that we would share testimonies, skits, preaching, the Jesus flim and then ask people if they need prayer for anything. What makes outreach so special is not the program, or the dancing or even the preaching, it was what God did in the hearts of the people, in our hearts as well and how much grace is poured out, faith is tested, love is challenged, and God’s glory is revealed.
The Holy Spirit is at work, convicting hearts, and healing hurts. Many people live in oppression, fear, and a cycle of poverty based on years of believing that there isn’t something more. There is a lack of joy in many of the faces of Mozambique. Even as people are coming to the front to say, I had a bad back for years and after prayer I am healed, it barely would cause any emotion. We are dealing with years and years of broken hearts, mistrust, witchcraft by the local witch doctors, fears, addictions and more, and it will take much time for full healing to come, but I saw in those moments while praying the minute that they really felt God, and I saw the way hearts were melted. I watched drunk men come to the people and ask God for forgiveness and ask for prayer and healing from addictions. One man was weeping and was so desperate for love. This same man had earlier grabbed me and would not let me go and now we were rejoicing because he gave his life to Jesus. That is the power of God’s love. I watched as blind eyes were opened and legs, backs, headaches, malaria, and more were all healed instantly.
Suddenly I saw that there had been a radical shift in the way I saw God, the way I viewed miracles, God’s children and I just knew that it had happened. That shift I prayed for and that I blogged about so so many months ago. A paradigm shift has occured and I will never be the same. I crave Jesus. I wake up everyday smiling and excited to be alive and be allowed to be invited into this wonderful journey. It is a blessing to see the things I see and to have the love I have. Not that I didn’t feel this before, but it’s different and I don’t know how to explain it to you all. I have struggled with putting into words the pure joy I feel and the passion that has come alive in me.
I guess the best way is to say that finally things fit. Africa fits. The outreach fits. It felt so natural, so normal and so right. Life on the mission feild in extreme conditions and a whole lot of living on faith fits. This is my normal. I wonder what being home will be like sometimes knowing that one day if God allows me the invite I will be back in a bush on a truck bed, singing my heart out to my first love, and pouring out as much love I have in me to His children. For now I am more than content having been allowed to have for 3 months, my beloved Africa. And while I mourn leaving, I am ready to embrace Europe, because the world is our church and God loves His children. Please continue to pray for us.
Meet the CLEAN TEAM our awesome outreach group. Love you guys!