“Excuse me?’  This seemed to be the word for the day.  We were standing at the check in counter ready to leave for Vietnam and we were denied access to the plane.  But the email we got said that they called and let the Bangkok airport know that we would be coming and our visa stuff was approved and Vietnam knew that we were on our way.  The email said.  But just because the email said, doesn’t mean that they knew.  So team Luminous spent the afternoon trying to work it out with the airline, track down the visa company and get a letter sent.  However through much frustration and prayer,  the answer remanded the same.  No. 
We had one option.  After missing the flight and recieving the approval letter just shy of when we needed it, we decided to spend the night in the airport and board a flight that morning for an additonal fee.  So we found ourselves a quieter corner.  Thank you Jesus for my new Therma rest that was finally broke in on the cold hard floor of the Bangkok airport.
Yes!!!! We are on the plane.  They are going to let us go.  We have our letter.  Nothing can stop us now.  Except the people at the landing immigration desk.   FIlling out the forms for the visa’s,  I ask a simple question. The man at the desk says to hold off there is something wrong with our letter.  I’m confused.  But he will not further explain at the time.    We wait.   Its getting later and later.   At 1pm we are told that we have a fake letter and that we are not coming into the country.  We are told that a plane will take us back to Bangkok.  “Excuse me?” This seems so sureal.  We are being told that we were scammed, that we can’t stay the night in the airport, or even reaply for a visa and wait.  We have one option only, go back to Bangkok and maybe return a little later.
Dave did an awesome job of taking charge and talking to everyone he could possibly think of.  We wait some more.  It is now late and we have been there for almost 6 hours.  We are tired, thirsty, hungary and dealing with a mix of emotions. 
At 4:20 we are escorted to the gate by airport security. At this point I am laughing at the matter.  Thats all that is left in me to do.  We have done what we can.  We have prayed and we trust God.    Finally after he leaves us at the gate, we feel some freedom.  We are able to go up to the food court and hang out for a brief time, email some people and send out some blogs. 
So we are back in Bangkok and we are praying for direction as to whats next.  It was an interesting experience.  But I praise God in all circumstances.  He is good.  I believe that God is going to redeem this situation.  He is good and faithful and I am excited to see what this month has in store, whether it be here in Bangkok or God provides us a way to go somewhere else. Please be praying for peace, direction, redemption, opportunities and for us to be relying more and more on God to provide for us our
“daily bread”.  The  Casting Crowns song says,  “As your mercy falls I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away.  I will praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands, for you are who you are, no matter where I am.”