So I sent out a blog that asked for support for some of my team mates that needed a miracle to happen and well it did.  Two of the 4 are almost fully funded for the year, and the other two got enough to keep going.  I am so happy and excited to see our whole family move forward in this together.  To my friends who helped them out this month thank you.  Your incredible and I love you.  BIG PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
As for me, I am still almost 2700 American dollars away from being fully funded.  “Help, cause I need somebody, Help not just anybody, Help me.”  Sorry I like to sing my requests.  But this is a big one.  Can you help a gal out?  I love being here, I love what we are doing, I love what I am learning and I love that I can share it all with you at home as well as my family here.    Can you give up a starbucks or a movie night, or a night out at BP’s for little old me?  The little you can give can go a long way.  Every dollar makes a difference.  Please prayfully consider if you would like to be a partner with me and what God is doing out here in this world.  Lives are changing and difference has been made.  Thank you as always for your support and love. 
If you can help in anyway you can click on the link on the left that says support melissa and donate online through AIM’s office.  Also in need of support and prayer areAnna Coffey, Noah and Kathy Zelvis and Amanda Hamilton.  I love them a whole lot.  Lets keep the family together.  Thanks everyone