“How great is our God.” My voice rose up higher and higher.   All that was left in me to do was worship. I was standing off alone. Some of the team had left, to escape the burning heat of the day, and the smoke that rose up all around you.   The others were still there, taking in what they saw, capturing it forever in their memories, and on their cameras.  

We were at a place that is known to some as Rubbish Mountain. It is a dump.  Surrounding the dump are shacks, little hut like houses filled with families. These families spend their days making a living at the landfill. Mordecai had taken us to see his ministry site. The place he and his family spend their days at, pouring into and loving the people.

When I say making a living, well that’s not really the case. They are alive, but it is not a life.   They work hard, in heat, incredible stench, and dangerous conditions. They live, work and die in the Dumps of Cambodia. 7 cents is your pay for collecting a kilo of recyclables. If you are lucky, you find computer, or printer parts, that can be savaged and sold for 25 cents.  

But you won’t see them beg. They are a beautiful people. They walk with dignity. For them this is a way to earn money and provide for their needs. It is better than begging, or starving to death. So they work hard, and they work long doing what it takes.  It will make you think the next time you go to throw away your water bottle.

Mordecai is a man that I have a deep respect for.   We sat and talked about how many people come in and tour the dump, taking their pictures and then going home and telling everyone about how they “helped” the poorest of the poor in Cambodia. We talked about the realow issue of exploitation that happens every day. It breaks my heart to hear that for some of the people who come, it’s just a way to self glorify themselves and not to love and serve the people here.  So that is why Mordecai’s family stands out. They are not just standing on the outside looking in.  Mordecai and his wife work with Water of Life. Local children are being given an education.   They will have a chance to hopefully support their families with another form of employment, which could improve their quality of life and end the cycle. 

His wife runs a prenatal class. She teaches woman the importance of nursing. Formula is expensive. The women work extra hard to buy it, and then water it down to make it last. So really it just seems pointless to work extra to afford food, only to have the baby not receive the nutrition that they need. She also teaches them about nutrition for themselves, and helps as a midwife. On Saturday Lindsay and I will help her make her rounds.  Mordecai provides a free clinic to the people every Friday.  Stephanie will go this Friday to help. 

It hasn’t been easy on them. It has cost them their health at times. They have seen loss, and pain. But they are being the Will of God.   Many of you may wonder why God allows these things to happen. I sometimes wondered why God didn’t do anything to end the injustice of this world.   But one day I asked that question and I heard the answer. “He did. He created you.”   We all have a role to play. We have a chance to make a change. If you find yourself in a place where you say, “Why doesn’t anyone help?” Please be their help.   Mordecai’s family chose to live with little and love with much. It may look different for you. It takes faith to step out of our comfort zones and get a little crazy for the Kingdom. But you can do it. We are all called to love. 

Three things remain faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1Cor 13:15