This month I was reading Heidi and Rolland Bakers book Expecting Miracles. If anyone of you don’t know, Heidi Baker is one of the most awesome women I think I have ever had the chance to read about and her faith and testimonies really encourage me. So again I was in a place where listening to her heart and the hearts of the amazing men and woman of God that work with her, that I found myself being taught again. She spoke about Ezekiel 47:1 – 12. Here Ezekiel is lead out into the living waters of God. She asked her readers the question, “How deep do you want to go for God?” I really thought over this question a lot this month. I mean here I was out on the world race. I have taken a huge step leaving comfort, security and giving up my rights, but that doesn’t mean that is me going deeper with God. That just means I am crazy LOL. Jokes aside, I had a long month to sit and soak it up with God, many times to be alone in my thoughts and check in with my heart. From my times I wrote this song, this is where I am at. This is my desire. In your prayers for me, ask that I would dive….
Draw me in Lord, closer to you.
Let the currents carry me away.
I long to bathe in living waters, to be refreshed in your streams of life
Take me deeper, fill my lungs drowned me in you.
Empty out my life and take my last breath.
Revive me with your breath of life, pump your heart beat into this chest.
More of you now I am
A stream of never ending life runs in these veins
I am a cup that runneth over.
In your streams I am clean
Apart from your grace the oceans of life entrap me
I am tossed in the undertow, the waves crash down on me
Coral rips my skin, sharks eat at my flesh
But in your calm rivers I can swim deep
I can float and not grow weary, I can dive in and sink into you
To stand at the edge is certain death, to wade in the shallows, is empty
“Dive in my child, the water is warm” Your calling me in
Your presence is so inviting. I want to dive in. Deeper and Deeper I go
A swimmer for my Lord