Ha, a typical day in Mogollon. Is there such a thing Lord? Not if you have anything to say about it. Each day I go unsure how the day will unfold, but I go with an expectancy that it is going to be even better than the day before.
And let me tell you, I am never disappointed. The very first day, after a chaotic attempt at getting 50 plus children to listen to us, for our Sunday school lesson, we headed out to a home later that day, and there was Hector.
Hector spends his days out in the shade, in a very broken up wheelchair. His family is dedicated to care for him. My heart was moved to compassion for him in an instance, but I was also drawn in by his eyes. In them I saw truth, I saw wisdom, I saw a man who had been through the fire many times over, but still the sparkle remained. I longed to sit and just learn from this man, sit at his feet and be blessed by who he was. He asked us to pray. He told us he was not free. With everything in us, we prayed for healing, for freedom and for truth. Though he did not get out of that chair that day, I believe that Hector will dance the streets of Mogollon . As the team went off to play with the children, I sat and wept and thanked God for the hearts of men like Hector. I was moved to sing with him and we sat embracing, praising our God, a blending of our mother tongues and a combining of our faith. I know that this is just the beginning of our time with Hector, and I know that God is moving.

Our presence in the small community has been noticed. The children scream out at us all day, “Americano’s.” (I pretty much have given up all hope of explaining that I am Canadian). They run out to hug us, or hold up their fists to “pound it.” It has been amazing to build relationships, play and teach them. The people wave, some stop and say hello, we feel welcome and loved. Three of the boys who come to our lessons, afterwards sought us out to ask us to help them to except Christ. I could not contain my joy. God is so good, he has been so faithful to hear the cry of our hearts for this community and now he is showing us the desire of his. I laughed, I wept, what a beautiful celebration.
Benny with an amazing prayer warrior. She is beautiful.
I know that the angels are rejoicing and all of Heaven must be dancing in the streets. Earlier this week many more have come to faith, and many more are asking for prayer, seeking us out in the streets, our new sister, was healed of respiratory issues and was with us this evening in church. God is waking up this community. He wants to do so much more. We as a team need the support and prayer of you all, as we continue to stand in faith for Hectors healing, as we help to disciple, and build up the church, as we have a chance to pray for the sick, the lost, and the broken. I thank God for his faithfulness and that he would choose this team, for this time to witness his Glory in Mogollon.