Habakkuk 2:3
“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”
Being a visionary is one of the most adventurous, yet tormenting roles you can walk in. Especially when your pride collapses to know that just because you want it,…. It doesn’t always mean it’s your outcome to claim.
We are often tormented by vision.
We can be euphoric for the ideas of what can be,… until we wake up to the reality of what is.
David likely thought to himself, ‘Lord, why would call me to be king if you’re gonna send me back to the fields with the sheep.’
It’s easy for us to lose sight of what’s in front of us… but it can feel a little more unnerving when we lose vision for what’s ahead.
That’s why Paul encourages us to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7, ESV)… ‘live by faith without vision.’
A lot of myself is too eager to expedite the process instead of sitting and moving wisely in the waiting.
I’m having to learn immensely that a blessing too soon is not a blessing at all.
A parent can enable their child to drive with the keys… but in their adolescence, it would be too soon.
The road can handle it
The car can handle it (til State Farm gets a call)
But not the child.
In prayer, His goodness isn’t always proven with what He answers…. but when.
It’s sometimes easier to believe in this gray area we (definitely I) produce, the Lord is just witty enough to make up these ‘Ordered Steps’ as He goes…. so that He paves where we walk instead of walking where He paves.
With ordered steps, He already has your blessing in place. Sometimes, we assume that the Lord is preparing our blessing for us, when in reality He’s preparing us for our blessing.
Jesus encourages us in Luke when He says, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” (16:10)
That’s just a forthright reminder that God is encouraging us to remain boldly faithful despite delay and to remain boldly content despite small beginnings.
When 85 year old Caleb was given his inheritance in Joshua 14, it came in the form of a small mountain property in the land of Judah called Hebron. By comparison to the allotment of land everyone else had, homeboy could’ve easily hit up his real estate agent (Joshua) FUMING! ‘Did my faithfulness not earn me MORE than this??’ Instead, he collected it with the utmost gratitude, not dwelling on the quantity of his living, but the quality of his blessing.
THAT is gratitude for the Father’s timely hand, but even more so the continuous desire for His eternal heart!
In that, I pray I continue to know His timing in pursuing, in waiting,… and in all that, giving continuous thanks for the big or small land??