T R A N S I T I O N 

Instead of a New Year’s Resolution this year, because let’s be honest we all know that those never last, I decided to climb on board with some of my friends who sought the Lord for a word. In essence, rather than making up a list of things that you want to do better in the new year, ya simply go to God and ask Him for a word. a word that reveals a glimpse of His will for this next year of your life. a word that you can hold onto as you navigate all of the opportunities for do-overs that another year brings. 

2019 for me, was a year of undoing. I didn’t really get a word, lol literally a “word”, from the Lord last year, but I believe if I would’ve asked Him, it wouldn’t have been much of a variation from “undoing”. He undid (is that a word? lol who cares) many yokes that I had, unbeknownst to me, allowed to become attached to my identity, namely those of fear and doubt, of blind religion and only going through the motions. 

When I asked Him about a word for 2020, a year of perfect vision (right?), I tried to come up with some good options for Him to pick from aka me picking a word for myself ahaha. After no confirmation on any of the words that I handpicked, which btw I think were truly marvelous options, and still being pretty much in the dark about what it would be, I gave up stressing about it. 

Isn’t it funny how sometimes we seem to hear the most clearly from the Lord when we stop trying to manipulate Him into speaking to us through a megaphone and instead just be with Him? like realllly be with Him. I’m talking close enough to hear Him whisper all that He desires to say right into our ears. 

Transition, thats the word that He quietly, gently spoke to me tonight, which in case you’re wondering, was not on the multiple choice list of options that I gave Him to choose from. 

He is transitioning me this year. Into new positions, out with the old and in with the new *cue Ashley Tisdale singing Fabulous by the poolside in High School Musical*. This year, He is taking me from the fear that He broke off of my life into faith. From the place of being an “unbelieving believer”, aka believing enough to get into Heaven but never allowing Heaven to get into me, to believing bold things for His sake. 

The reason I’m letting you in on all of this is because if you don’t already have a word for this year, I’d like to share mine with YOU. Ya see, I believe that there is at least one shift needing to take place in each of our lives this year in whatever situation we find ourselves in. A transition that the Lord is calling us to. 

Maybe you, like I was, are bound by crippling fear. God is inviting you to transition from fear to freedom this year, heck this very minute (and trust me, freedom feels SO good). 

Maybe you aren’t even sure how you got to this blog, or you are here not because of a relationship with Jesus but because you are a sweet friend that wishes to be supportive of this journey (I appreciate you!), but if that is you, I believe that the transition that God has for you this year is the most special one of all. It’s one from death to everlasting life! Not just an everlasting life on the other side of eternity, but a life ABUNDANT in the here and now. A life that’s full of joy regardless of what’s going on around you, because true joy is found in a Person, not a circumstance, is waiting for YOU right on the other side of your “yes” to Jesus. So I encourage you, say yes. over and over again. to Jesus daily for the rest of your life. He’s waiting for you with arms wide open, ready to welcome you home. 

Let us seek the One who can never change, yet changes everything for our good and His glory more passionately than ever before this 2020. and maybe by the end, we will truly be able to say that we have received the perfect sight that this year is supposed to represent, all from simply transitioning our focus off of ourselves, and onto to the Light.

(I would also like to apologize for sending a notification to your phone at four in the morning. I am not in a different country with a crazy time zone. I just can’t sleep and felt to write a blog lol. BUT being that it is now early Thursday morning, I officially leave in exactly ONE WEEK!!! Praise God!!!! (also the time difference won’t be crazy anyway, only one hour hahah)). 

<3, Meg