I am leaving in under 2 weeks, whoa.

I do not think I can actually wrap my brain around me leaving the country for an entire year to follow the Lord into the unknown (queue Idina Menzel) and to embark on this wild adventure with the Lord. I have no idea what to expect. I am going in with open hands for what God has in store for me this next year of my life. I also cannot believe training camp was over 2 months ago and the things the Lord has shown and taught me since those incredible 11 days at training camp. I have been able to see God’s hand so evidently these past few months and His presence just radiating so vibrantly throughout my days. Training camp gave a tiny little smidge of what is to come, but I cannot even begin to imagine all that God has in store for my squad and myself. 

Since training camp, God has been continuing to teach me in trusting Him and His goodness. I was concerned about the next few months between the end of training camp and launching in January and what I would be doing. The Lord answered some of my prayers in such amazing ways.


Here are some ways he has showed up these past few months:

The Lord showed up and made ways in relationships with people that I had prayed about.

The Lord created ways for me to return to my job in Hawaii and still live with my best friend. Not only that but be able to have even more hours and the ability to make the money that I needed for vaccines and other expenses like appointments.

The Lord opened up doors for my best friend and her future – everything she desired to do all lined up. Without her searching for the program, the program found her and wasn’t even known to the public, but has to be invited to. God has answered this huge prayer we have consistently been praying for, but abundantly. He showed that he can combine all her passions into one program, along with service, growth, mission and all her giftings and passions, and doing it all for Jesus and the kingdom. It was POWERFUL.

Fundraising has been WILD. The Lord has provided money in the craziest ways in huge amounts. This has not only grown my faith but for so many others too. Fundraising is a huge testament to the Lord and His faithfulness and Him providing a way to get you where He has called you to be. I spoke at my small county church, to about 10 or 15 people. That Sunday He doubled the amount of money raised, it was crazy. God has worked through people and fundraising to truly show me His faithfulness and goodness and that he has me, not only in the preparation and the fundraising, but He will continue to have me, guide me, and show me the way every step this next year around the world. I still have roughly $4,500 left to raise to be fully funded, and I fully trust that Lord will bring that in some way, somehow.

On my way back to Hawaii, I was surprised with an all-paid-for trip to a neighboring island to see some really special people in my life that mean so much to me. This meant a lot to me because I was certain I would not be seeing them for the next year or sometime after the race. My heart and God knew that I needed that time with them before heading out.

When I returned home for the holidays, I was taken in for medical testing. The doctors were sure that I would have to postpone the World Race and were nervous about the results. When the test results came in, nothing was there, everything they thought would come back and be devastating for me, came back clear and healthy and ready to go. The things that were there were easily treated and I got the okay.

The Lord has shown up in various other WAYS, in my life, in my family members’ lives, my squad members’ lives, my best friend’s life, my friends’ lives, and in my dreams at night. There have been trials, spiritual warfare, medical and health worries, and life is pretty unpredictable. But the Lord is constantly revealing His truth, faithfulness, goodness in my life and the life of those dear to me.

Training camp was an incredible journey. These last few months have been a journey. The Lord has ways in life. Sometimes we don’t understand them or they don’t make sense to us or they are not the ways we may think, but He is the WAY-maker.


“Way-maker, miracle worker
Promise keeper.

Light in the darkness.

My God, that is who you are.”