The Lord has been showing me through His word and through experiences that Hebrings things into fullness, He completes what He starts-whether during our life time, many years after, or at the coming of Christ. 

Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:4-6


In October 2019 one of my coaches gave me this verse:

Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. Hosea 2:14-15

I didn’t even begin to understand how the Lord was going to use it to speak to me until we were pulled off the field in March. The Lord doesn’t bring us into the wilderness to plop us down and leave us, He brings us into the wilderness to commune with Him, to deepen our relationship, faith, and trust. And sometimes, the wilderness is actually His protection over us. 

While in Idaho, I was given a Song of Solomon study called “Journey Into Intimacy.” Shortly after, the same coach sent me this verse:

“Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, Song of Solomon 2:10-12

At final debrief we had a worship night on the beach around a fire. A girl from another squad asked to pray over me. As she prayed and spoke of the wilderness and the Lord speaking tenderly to me, I smiled knowing He was speaking to me through her.  

While at Awakening in Washington, our teachings and activities were on the topic of identity. We were given questions to ask with God: What is a lie I believe about God? What is the truth? What is my identity? When I asked the last question I had visions of a blooming field of flowers, a rose, a tree, sunshine, and a rainbow. 

A few days ago we had a call with our coaches, who had asked the Lord for words to share with us. What they read tied EVERYTHING together:

“You are a beautiful garden of the Lord, a display of His grace and unfailing love. He has brought you on a journey into the wilderness—to romance you and to speak tenderly to you (Hosea 2:14). He is restoring places that once felt deserted and making them like Eden, a place filled with color and joy and laughter (Isaiah 51:3). 

You have a sacred beauty to offer the world, one that has been cultivated and nurtured by the Lover of your heart. You are blooming like a lily in spring and putting down strong oak-tree roots. Those who live near you are blessed by the fragrance of your grace, your love, and your faith (Hosea 14:4-8).

Your Lord says to you, “Arise, my beautiful one, and come with Me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come” (Song of Solomon 2:10-11).”


Steph & Ian

Sweet Stephanie was on my original team when we launched in January. During our first month she told me about someone she had met before leaving for the race. He left to do missions in New Zealand the same day we left for Indonesia. They had been messaging back and forth and she wasn’t sure if he was interested in her. Half joking and half serious I said, “Steph, guys don’t message that consistently with long messages if they’re not interested.” When we were pulled off the field in March, he was sent home a week later. They continued to talk and get to know one another. After some time, they went on a date. 

Now, in November, I had the joy of seeing them both in Colorado! They are a beautiful couple who each have enough quirkiness to be perfect for one another. It’s been beautiful to watch their relationship develop from the beginning, and see what the Lord did with them through changed plans. Their hearts, individually and together, point others toward Christ. 



While in Malaysia, Stephanie told me about a friend from home. I had been writing poetry and Steph watched me walk through my health struggles. She said, “You should follow Hannah on instagram. I think you two would get along. She also has an autoimmune disease, writes poetry, and loves the Lord.” I looked her up and reached out. Since then, Hannah and I have periodically messaged one another. She’s given me feedback on my poetry and has been an inspiration for what it looks like to find joy in trials. 

During our weekend in Colorado Springs, Steph and Ian invited us to go to church with them. As the service was about to start, someone walked over, I looked up, and it was Hannah! Someone I never expected to meet in person was standing right in front of me. After the service, we chatted for a few and I asked if I could pray over her. I prayed for strength and healing, and then she prayed the same for me. It was one of the most beautiful, joyful moments I have experienced in the past few months. 



The month of March was supposed to be spent in Thailand. Our hosts cancelled last minute and we were left in limbo, waiting for another placement. A missionary family from Louisiana had started the process of partnering with the World Race to host teams, and took us with open arms. We had a few short days with them before coming home. Those days were full of laughter, joy, and experiencing as much of Thailand as we could in three days. The family loved us so well. 

Fast forward to November. We needed somewhere to stay in Lafayette as we were passing through to get to Florida for final debrief. A husband and wife, who are World Race coaches, offered their home. We arrived later in the evening, were kindly provided dinner, and spent some time talking with them. As we discussed the events of the year I shared that we had been in Thailand. The wife said, “Wait, do you know Jennie Lee and Mike?” Yep! We sure do! The family we stayed with in Lafayette connected our Thailand hosts with the World Race. I was shook. The world is much smaller than we think. 


Fire & Wind

The Lord has been speaking to me through fire and wind from the first week of World Race America. TT, the Squad Mentor for WR America, received this text from someone back in FEBRUARY. This was BEFORE covid hit. This was before anyone knew there would be two more squads joining WR America. 


“Hey so you can share this with the WRA team if you want because it pertains to everyone. While driving home tonight from a super bowl party I had a vision of a map of the U.S. on the map was a route with a van on it (it was like an overhead view like I was looking down on a paper map). Instantly I knew it was WRA. As the van went from place to place there were  fires popping up in the places the can had been, as it went to a new place the fire trailed along behind the van so that each place was connected. I then heard the Lord say that he was using you all as firebrands, the definition of a firebrand is a person who is passionate about a particular cause, typically inciting change and taking radical action. Another definition says a firebrand is an agitator. He also said the places you are going will most likely already have a fire burning, or at least coals burning but you all are bringing new life to those coals and causing them to burn brighter (literally agitators of the coals). One way you get a fire restarted is blowing into and fanning the coals to make them catch fire again.”


What I hope you get out of reading these stories is this:

1. God finishes what He starts. Maybe not the way you wanted, maybe not in your timing, but He is faithful to the end.

2. God speaks. We want and hope for it to be in big profound ways, but it typically doesn’t happen like that. It’s usually quiet and gentle. He speaks in many ways: The Bible, dreams and visions, other people, nature, circumstances, animals. Do you look for Him? Do you listen for Him? Are you willing to hear what He has to say? 


I’d love for you to tell me ways you’ve heard the voice of God. Then listen to this song…it’s incredible.


P.S. In my next blog I’ll be sharing what I’m doing next 🙂