Where is Home?
Home is where I am.
It’s the places you find comfort in the discomfort.
It’s the peace you find in the chaos.
It’s the beauty you see in nature.
It feels familiar, because I’m there.
When you find joy in letting go,
that’s me.
When you discover beauty and love where most see brokenness and despair,
that’s me.
When you look up and see the unimaginable grandness of the mountains
and then look down to glaze upon the intricately designed details of the flowers,
that’s me.
When your heart is present where I have you,
that’s home.
Home can be everywhere,
but you must decide.
Where is home?
Our host took us on quite an adventure over the past two days. Enjoy a little peak into my home:
There were chickens running by the door of the home we stayed in last night, and they made me giggle.
Our schedule changed today. We struggled to adjust, but it became easier when I just sat and enjoyed the rain on the mountainside.
Drinking hot tea while it rains may be one of my favorite things in this world.
We spent some time at a local school and this sweet face popped by the window to wave goodbye.
We went to the Floating Market in Lembang where little boats along the dock were little food stands.
My favorite thing about the Rainbow Garden was the broken things that were repurposed and given beauty. I know someone else who does that 🙂
These red flowers, and the yellow ones next to them that aren’t pictured, reminded me of my Grandpa.
This little hut made me feel like I was in a fairy garden.
Stephanie snapped this photo of me. I was taking in everything around me, and wrote the poem from above.
Not every day looks like this. Most consist of everyday tasks like ministry, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking dinner, and team time. Days like this are special. And I thank God for them.