Four reasons the World Race has made me thankful:
1. It has forced me to further surrender to God. Going into something as big as the World Race, knowing I can’t do it all on my own, has forced me to look towards outside forces to get me through it. Family and community have been no small help, but there’s only so much they can do. I’ve seen God perform miracles for my squad and alumni Racers; and while most of His working in my journey has been much more subtle, I have complete confidence in His goodness. He’s called me into the World Race and He’s going to make sure to provide everything I need to serve Him there.
2. C Squad! Honestly I could gush all day over these people, but I’ll try to spare y’all my sappy rants. I never imagined that such a diverse group of believers could have such unity. Most of us come from different backgrounds, denominations, struggles, cultures, and even countries, yet we all worship the same Triune God. The unique perspectives that we all have and mutual love we have for each other and our Lord is proof that He knew what He was doing when He put us all in the same squad.
3. It has given me further appreciation for my community at home. You know when your sibling or close friend finds “The One” and you kind of fall off the face of their world because the only relationship they care about is their new boyfriend or girlfriend? I kind of feel like that’s me and my new community with C Squad. When I’m interacting with my family and friends the only thing I really want to talk about is my squad. But since committing to the World Race, and the past month in the post-Training Camp world in particular, I’ve come to realize just how much I’m gonna miss my community when I’m gone. While at Training Camp there were so many times where I thought to myself, I can’t wait to tell so-and-so about what happened here today, and I was always able to reassure myself that I could in just ten or fewer days. While I’m on the World Race, however, I won’t be able to for another eleven months! The idea of being separated from my community for so long really hurts, and praise God that they’ll be here when I get back.
4. It’s given me a better idea of having eternal goals. I’m always in the here-and-now; I don’t care much about the past and I usually brush off the future as being no big deal. But having such a massive thing like the World Race to look forward to has made me realizing that preparing for the future is not always a bad thing. But the World Race is not the endgame. If I can spend so much time and energy preparing for one year of my life, why am I not preparing for all eternity?
Thanks y’all for listening to me gush for a little while. My goal is to reach 150 subscribers before Launch so if you could share this and click that subscribe button I’d really appreciate it. Let me know why you’re thankful in the comment section, and God bless!