Get in the car, head to work, make it about four blocks before calling for a ride. My car decided to breakdown. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal to me, since between my entire family we own like four cars. Losing one for a week or so wouldn’t be a problem.
But right now I’m trying to earn enough money to take me across the world. And lo and behold my car just ran out of oil and I fried my engine. I don’t claim to know much about cars, but I do know that’s not a cheap fix.
But surprise! God’s good. Thankfully that day was the craziest day at work in forever, so I was kept busy enough that my mind didn’t have time to worry about whether or not I should buy a new car or pay the bazillion dollars to fix my old one and how this was going to affect fundraising. Also, my sisters are out of town so we had an extra vehicle I could use until we resolved the situation. So if this had to happen, it happened at the perfect time.
During the next two days I had to decide what to do. If my car wasn’t able to be saved I didn’t want to buy a new one for five months and then let it sit in the driveway for an entire year. But what am I supposed to do in the meantime? Theoretically I could take the bus to work every day, but am I supposed to just be trapped at home all the time?
I don’t think I’ve ever been mad at God before. I’ve definitely whined and complained to Him a lot, but I don’t think I’ve ever been straight up MAD at Him. But there were several times where I had to keep from angrily demanding that He fix my car. During this time He revealed multiple idols in my heart, things which I would choose to sin for if He dared take them away from me.
But not only did He release my hold on several idols, he also taught me to further surrender to His will. Finances weren’t looking good as far as the World Race goes, but it’s pretty clear at this point that His plan for me is to go on the World Race, so He’ll work out whatever obstacles stand in the way. I just had to sit back and let Him take care of it.
And He further taught me the power of community. I shared the situation with my squad and some friends and instantly a bunch of people started praying. And one of the coolest people I know offered to let me borrow his car until November! I’m telling you, you don’t need a better friend than that.
Three days later the car was fixed for a fraction of cost I had anticipated. Lessons learned, relationships built, and God didn’t even have to completely ruin the car to get His point across. I’d be lying if there weren’t a couple moments where I thought I’d have a mental breakdown, but isn’t it amazing how God can use little things like losing a car for 48ish hours to change your heart?
Can’t wait to see what hardships He hits me with during the World Race!