11 Ways the Lord has blessed me since I was accepted for the World Race (in no particular order):

1. Loving words of encouragement from my family and friends. Words are a big deal to me: they can either build someone up or tear them down. Hearing what loved ones have to say about the World Race has been a constant source of joy these past couple months. I’m so thankful I’m not the only one excited for this new adventure next year.

2. A working treadmill. If I’m going to serve to the best of my abilities next year I’m gonna have to be in shape. The weather’s been weird in Iowa this year and the best way to run has been inside on the treadmill, but ours had an annoying tendency to slide and threatened to throw you across the room if you didn’t remain stiff. Thankfully we’ve been able to fix that problem and now I’m able to exercise without it being stressful.

3. A job. Makes fundraising easier when you’ve got a steady income supporting you.

4. Words of criticism. When I was still making the decision to spend a year serving in eleven different countries, I mentioned the idea of the World Race to a very good friend of mine. He was the first person to lovingly give legitimate reasons not to go. It was during that conversation that my attitude went from, “Wow, what an exciting adventure,” to, “Lord, is this Your will for my life?” It completely changed my heart about the situation, and gave me a less selfish attitude in my decision.

5. The internet. Being able to research the places I’m going to live in, and get to “meet” the people I’ll be serving with months in advance has been extremely helpful. It blows my mind that missionaries like Apostle Paul and Hudson Taylor could go to new places without these tools.

6. T-shirts. I wasn’t expecting to make a ton of profit selling them, but that was never the point. I didn’t want to ask anyone for money since I could pay for most of it myself, but I also wanted to give people the opportunity to give if they felt led to. Seeing the excitement of others after showing them the tees’ design and their eagerness to buy one was a surprising joy.

7. Psalm 86. A biblical reminder that God’s there for me is always a plus.

8.The lessons God has taught me before I had any idea I’d ever join the World Race. It’s incredible to look back and see ways that He’s been preparing me for next year. Even the “little things” like giving me a more laid back personality or overcoming my fear of people (yes, people are really scary) which will help the whole mission be easier for me.

9. People’s generosity. It’ll surprise you who’s willing to offer their hard-earned cash without even being asked. To everyone who’s donated so far: many, many thanks! Y’all are awesome!

10. The way time flies. It feels like just yesterday that I applied for the World Race but it’s actually been over two months since the adventure began! It may seem small, but patience is something I’ve never had a ton of and I’m glad next year is just around the corner.

11. Your prayers. Thank you for lifting me up to our loving God in heaven.

God bless all y’all.