Throughout my high school years the highlight of each year was Survival in South Dakota, a camp where fellow young people were taught basic survival skills, team work abilities, and, most importantly, to grow in our faith in God. Being shoved out of my comfort zone, making relationships with people from across the country, and the overall experience was absolutely incredible.
Eventually my sisters and I attended ASAP, a more advanced version of Survival. Looking forward to it I was expecting to be living like cavemen. I thought our meals would be whatever grub we could find in the woods, we’d be sleeping in shelters we had to build, etc. And while many aspects of that were true, it was nowhere near as rugged as I thought it was going to be.
That was a good thing. Waking up the first morning I felt really, REALLY sick. But I was determined that no one was going to find out, cuz that’s what guys do when we’re sick apparently. I was going to tough it out and be the man.
Well, that’s not exactly how it worked out. During some of the more fun but physically tasking activities like rock-climbing and river-crossing I definitely felt the effects of my sickness. There were many things I just couldn’t do that I felt like I should be able to.
Thankfully God used this (or perhaps caused it) in a way that has changed my life, and in a way that I think will be needed if I’m going to survive the World Race. Never before had I been forced to just give everything over to Him and let His will be done. Like, I could certainly surrender a hot meal to him, or my warm bed, or any other single aspect of my life. But this week I had to give EVERYTHING. There was literally nothing I could do for myself without His strength.
Surrendering and trusting in God is still something I’m working on, but that week had such an influence on my life. The World Race, I’m sure, will test me like never before, and I’m so grateful for that lesson God taught me nearly four years ago. This is just one of many ways that, in hindsight, I can see God directing me towards becoming prepared for next year.
Please pray that He will continue to mold and shape me for the World Race. I feel so unprepared spiritually, emotionally, and physically, but I know that that’s the beauty of it. God isn’t limited by the weaknesses of those He uses. I just need to surrender my abilities and/or lack of abilities and let Him take control.
God bless!