“Hey, where’s your head right now Jenn?”

Anyone who knows me has seen that look in my eyes, where I’m not fully present because I’m lost deep in my own thoughts. Today, Eddie caught me in the down time between tours, sitting in the Conex, just thinking. I was actually thinking about blogging. More specifically I was thinking how much I haven’t blogged. And the half written instagram post about Indonesia. And the post I could never figure out how to write about our time in South Asia. All the photos I have that I’ve never shared. All the stories that are still untold…. 

I was thinking about the next season, a new adventure. About all the places I will go, people I haven’t met yet, friendships that have only just begun. Honestly? I want to do some things differently. I want to let you in on the wild adventure of following Jesus. I want to capture the sweet moments and share the crazy stories. I don’t know why the words always seem so hard to find… but this is a start — this blog had a 24 hr. turn over. Eventually I will probably have to set aside 1 hour to write a blog and post whatever I end up with, as disjointed or incomplete as it might be.

WR Expedition 2021

I sent out some letters to my supporters, but for those of you who haven’t heard, I’m planning to relaunch with the World Race in January 2021! It will be a new squad and our route has been modified slightly; I’ll tell you more about that in a second. I have been praying about the prospects of an international launch for the last few months. My desire is to do international ministry and anytime the possibility to do something domestic popped up, I wasn’t thrilled about the idea. But eventually I came to the point where I had to lay all of my desires down and say, “Your will be done…” 

I’ve continued to pray for an international launch, but fully convinced if we do travel internationally in January, it’s only because He made a way. And if we stay state-side, it’s because that’s exactly where He wants us. I got the news a few days ago that they are officially planning to send us internationally in January! Woo-hoo!! 

Now that is still held loosely… If I have learned anything in 2020, it’s that nothing is guaranteed — all of our plans could change in a heartbeat. But for now, it’s something to celebrate! As the doors open, we will continue to walk forward, full of faith in what God can do. I will meet up with my squad in GA on Jan. 8th and leave the country a few days later. 

New Route

I mentioned our route has changed slightly, just because of the state of the world right now. They have selected 5 regions that we will visit, rather than giving us a list of 11 specific countries. Each of the 5 regions have an AIM base where we will start and then hopefully be able to spread out to surrounding countries, depending on what borders are open. This is not only a highly flexible approach (which is necessary), but also gives us some stability and additional resources on the ground, should we need them. Here are the 5 regions we will visit: 

  • Central America (starting in Guatemala)
  • Europe (starting in Spain)
  • Central Asia (Kazakhstan)
  • Southern Asia (India)
  • Southeast Asia (Thailand or Cambodia)

I have committed to all 5 regions (I mean… I couldn’t skip out on Thailand). So that means I will be gone for the entire 11 months, but I also have to raise an additional $5,900. Needless to say, I am beyond excited and very expectant; I’m looking forward to watching all the ways the Lord will provide and continue to make a way.