Talking about how the World Race has changed my life would take more than one blog and would most likely be the length of a novel. But as the World Race is coming to an end, with our arrival back in the United States in less than a week, I can’t help but to reminisce on all that has happened and how I have changed. There is one clear area of growth that sticks out to me – confidence. It is amazing to me how growing in confidence has affected so many parts of my life. 


Before coming on the World Race, I was an intern at my church. I had been baptized, I had received my prayer language and I had traveled to Israel on a Bible tour… despite all of these things, there was almost always some sort of doubt in the back of my head. Was God really real? Does He really speak to me? Does He really care about me? Does He really have a plan and a purpose for my life?

Through the things I have experienced this year, there is no longer any doubt in my mind. YES, God is real. YES, He really speaks to me. YES, He truly cares about me. And YES, He has a plan and a purpose. 

And because my confidence in the Lord has grown, He has been growing my confidence in other areas of my life. 


I used to live a life led by insecurity. I knew how unhealthy it was, but I couldn’t help but doubt my own worth. My mind was constantly filled with questions like: Do people really want me here? Are they really my friends? Would they choose me if I hadn’t had to be here? Any chance I had at being offended, the enemy would try to get me to grasp at them and I would, letting them fester in my heart. 

God used my time on the World Race to change that by addressing the fact that my identity was not rooted in Christ but instead by how accepted I felt by others. I learned this year that my identity is in being a Child of God and a Bride of Christ. My Heavenly Father is the Creator of the universe! He knew of my existence before I was even the faintest idea in my parent’s minds and He wanted me. Jesus Christ is my groom. He died on the cross in my place, taking on my consequences and my sickness. He now leads me unto a path of righteousness and purification. And the Holy Spirit, come on! He lives in me, guiding and leading me in everyday situations. 

Operating in this identity is the only thing that has fully empowered me and the only thing that makes me feel fully chosen and loved, just like we have been designed. We are spiritual beings and God is the only one who can fulfill our deepest needs and confirm our identities. I no longer rely on affirmation from others, instead my relationships are a sweet gift, not my life line. God is.


Despite all of my years as a Christian, I had never verbalized the gospel to anyone in full… which is concerning on multiple levels. 

I was so scared! I would question whether I actually knew and understood what I had “signed up” for when I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 

Signing up to be a missionary and to travel the world to share about Jesus requires you to talk about Jesus. This was one of the reasons I wanted to do this trip. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone when it came to talking to people. I wanted to gain an understanding of the gospel and what it really meant. 

The first half of the Race I was very scared to have these conversations and today I still get nervous sometimes. However, after having many sweet conversations about everything from God, Jesus, baptisms, the Fall, demons, healings, religion, etc., I can trust that the Holy Spirit will lead me in those moments. And if I don’t have an answer, great! That is an opportunity for me to learn about that subject and to meet up with the same person again. 


What do I have to bring to the table? Am I worthy of this opportunity? I’m not equipped for this. What if I can’t answer the questions or do the task? Again, these were some of the thoughts of insecurity that would roll through my mind. 

Comparison is one of the worst things in the world that the enemy loves to use to make you freeze up. I wish I could just take comparison and put it in a dumpster fire. 

I fell for it. I would let the enemy use the amazing things God was doing in and through others around me to tear me down, things that I should be celebrating with my friends. I’ve learned this year that their victory is my victory. Together we are the body of Christ and when one wins, we all do because it is all for God’s glory and for the Kingdom.

On top of that, I do have things to bring. I’ve learned that most of my strengths are very relational and can be hard to measure. By coming on the World Race and pursuing my squadmates and building relationships with the people we meet, I’ve gotten to see those skills shine. 

Walking into a room and not being bombarded with thoughts of comparison or insecurity, or knowing that I can say no to those things, has been a huge sigh of relief. I receive so much joy from my friends’ success. 


I am so grateful to God. I feel so incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to go on the World Race. The things I have seen, experienced, and learned are priceless. God changed me from being insecure and uncertain into a woman of God walking in confidence… Thank you God. Thank you World Race. 

If you are even just considering going on the World Race, DO IT. It will literally change your life.