Hello from future Jackie!

I am still fundraising in order to be on the World Race for the full 11 months. If you’d like to be a part of keeping me on the field, please consider donating by pressing that orange donate button up above. Thank you!


Hey! Hi! Yes, you! 
Guess wha– I’M GOING ON THE WORLD RACE!!! No, not the Amazing Race, the World Race.


What is the World Race?
The World Race is an 11 country, 11 month backpacking missions trip to fulfill the great commission and show the love of Jesus Christ around the world. 
I will be going on the Expedition Route which focuses on countries in the 10/40 window – where some of the largest unreached people groups reside. These are groups of people with little to no knowledge of gospel and with no real opportunity to respond.
I will be going to Australia, Indonesia, India, Nepal, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Spain and Morocco. My team departs Jan 2020 and will return Dec 2020.
While in each of these countries we will either be partnered with a church/organization or focus on something called ATL, Ask The Lord. ATL is listening to the Holy Spirit and allowing him to lead you more intentionally to specific people or places. 

Why am I going on the World Race? 
For the last 2 years the idea of giving 1 year of my life to missions has been growing. As well as in the last year as I have been learning more about my strengths, my personality and my heart; I have realized that God wired me for missions. With strengths in areas like adaptability, development, empathy and unity. A personality that is high energy, go with the flow, can handle stressful situations and is adventurous. And with a heart that loves to love, loves to disciple, loves to be intentional and to see people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This lead to this past winter when I was praying about this dream and God gave me a simple challenge, “So why don’t you?” I had no big reason as to why not and since then has been struck with the inspiration and excitement to to pursue this dream.
I found out about the World Race through my friend, Alyssa, who went in 2018. After meeting with her and my friend Jess (who went in 2012), I could not get the World Race out of my heart and I knew that this what God had called me to. 

What am I looking forward to on the World Race?
Yes, I know that is a vague answer… but it’s true. I’m ready to see countries I have never been to, taste foods I’ve never eaten before and to experience new cultures. I’m ready to be pushed outside of my comfort zone, to rely on God and the Holy Spirit in ways I have never had to before. I’m looking forward to being stretched and to grow, to making lifelong friends and memories that I will remember for a lifetime. I’m am so excited to see where God will lead me while preparing for, while on and after the World Race. 

How can you partner with me on this journey?
FIRST – PRAYER. Pray for me as I prepare, physically and spiritually. The amount of work that goes on behind the scenes (passports, visas, vaccines and packing to name a few) can be intimidating. Please help pray that I am intentional with every day leading up to the trip, staying on top of all of my tasks and being diligent.
Please pray in advance for protection over me and my team, physically and spiritually. Already my teammates have been getting attacked spiritually as the devil tries to deter us from our mission.
Reach out – please please please shoot me a message, leave a comment or when you see me in person, say something! Ask questions! As mentioned, there is a lot of work going into this, simply mentioning the World Race immediately resurfaces my joy and excitement. It reminds me why I’m doing this. Knowing you are along for the ride with me means the most.
Financially – if you want to and are able to, please consider making a donation. I have a big financial goal since I will be gone a year and any financial support is blessing. 


To think in less than 6 months I will be on the adventure of a lifetime, to be fulfilling a calling on my life to be used by God to spread the Good News… I can’t even fathom. This is going to be incredible. 
Thank you for coming alongside with me on this. 
