While he was still speaking a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

Matthew 17:5

This verse is specifically talking about Jesus. The mount of Transfiguration is where God the Father speaks highly of Jesus and then commands the disciples with him to listen. It probably was an amazing moment for Peter, James, and John; being able to see Jesus in his full glory.

Recently this verse was given to me as we did a time of activation. We were going through what it looked like to draw a picture of where we believed we were at with God, then allowed others to pray and speak what they believed God was doing in the picture. I didn’t finish my drawing, which I’m glad I did not. It looked like this 

The table is set and looking nice and pristine. Nothing has been touched and it was supposed to look perfect. You can see my not-finished form on the right.

God revealed a lot to them. I even tried to mask the issue by using nice and fluffy Christian verbiage. God saw through that though and showed them that I was still struggling to receive praise and affirmation from Him. They saw that I was still trying to be pristine and nice before my Father, and that’s not what He is looking for. 

I took what everyone said and brought it before Jehovah, the Alpha and Omega, and He agreed with them. He also affirmed me and told me how well I was doing. This was an opportunity to grow, and I received it as such. I was seeking affirmation but found identity instead.

I’m happy to show you guys where I am at with God and it is so much nicer. I don’t always get it right, but my Heavenly Dad is super proud of it. My inspiration for the drawing came from all the personal time I’ve spent with Jesus either in a coffee shop or overlooking mountain ranges.

I wish there were more pictures of both, honestly, there should be with the number of coffee shops and mountain ranges I have seen or been to. This is my drawing though.

God revealed all of that to me because He knew what I was about to walk into this month.