At the end of our time in Gainesville, Georgia me and two of my squad mates were asked to take on leadership roles as worship coordinators. Our job was simply to invite people into the space of worship and praise. We had the honor of continuing the build on what our leader, Ellie Miller, had so faithfully began in the hearts of Gap D. 

In our 6 months together as a team I have learned a lot. I’ve seen Jesus in these two. We have pressed in together and struggled and wrestled and celebrated. We have learned to worship. 

At the beginning I questioned why I, of all people, would be chosen to walk alongside these strong and powerful leaders. They are the John 4 worshipers in the flesh. 

Through the process the Lord has shown me exactly why we are together. I’ve learned something strange and beautiful in their mist. I see the real heart of worship. 


As our race comes to a close, I reflect on the friendships and experiences that have come with each month. The thing I continually cling too is the memories and moments I have with my mini team of kingdom bringers. So… Emma and Wes… this one is for you ๐Ÿ™‚


You, my friend, are the picture of gentleness and grace.

You bring an overflow of love with your words and your actions. I can’t help but feel close to the Father when I am in your presence.

In these past months I have seen you stretch out, arms wide open, ready to receive from Him. And even when it hurts you press in and ask. You have the Father’s heart. 

Even when I couldn’t muster up the courage you held my hand and pushed me further in boldness. 

I pray you know every day the beauty of your voice. It carries near and far to the people who need to hear it. It brings healing. 

Thank you.

Thank you for every awkward moment. For the laughs. For the tears. For the visions. For the sweet friendship that I never knew I needed.

You truly make me feel seen. 

Forever grateful for you. 

Here’s to every season to come ๐Ÿ™‚


Big brother Wes! To be known by you is to be loved by you!

You bring a perspective to the table that me and Emma need. 

You are bold and wise and willing. 

The talent you bring is so evidently from the Lord. And even further than your talent you carry the hands and feet of worship. You walk it out everywhere you go. 

I love that every Sunday (or Tuesday) lunch you were quick to just check in on our hearts. You cared not only about our roles as leaders but our hearts as your sisters. 

Your eagerness for the Lord is something I will always remember when I think of you. 

Thank you. 

Thank you for taking me as I am and loving me well. Thank you for pushing me and Emma both closer to Jesus with every conversation. 

Thank you for your honor. Your words. Your leadership. 

Always grateful for your friendship. 


– Gretchen Jean


Worship Coordination.

Not at all what I was expecting when we met in that room upstairs. 

But man, it was everything I needed. 

To the people who changed everything:

You are the example of worship this squad needed. 

You bring invitation and empowerment and love and grace and humility. 

When we felt the heaviness of warfare and temptation and apathy you were there to carry us through and show us what was on the other side of the mountain. 

We found ourselves in late nights of prayer and on the basketball court in tears and separated in Costa. We pushed through. We saw His face. 

I thank God that this got to be the team I faced life with. 

I thank God that worship doesn’t stop here for us. 

We created culture. We cultivated hearts alongside our Heavenly Father. 

It’s only the beginning for this little crew. There is more coming for us.

Let’s go change the world.

Let’s go change worship for people. 

Proud of you. 

It’s an honor to love you. It’s an honor to be loved by you. 

Thanks for being my people always.

See you soon ๐Ÿ™‚