hey friends!
recently, my squad got the most amazing news! the girls are going to South Africa!
after being accepted onto the world race, I was pushed into a season of waiting as there was still a few months until I would choose my route. I was in prayer over several countries, without even knowing which ones were available.
flash forward a couple months and I was SO sure that God wanted me in Thailand. i was planning on using this country as a guide for choosing my route. little did I know that it wouldn’t be on any of the routes??? i was so confused and no longer knew which one i would pick.
in the moment, I decided I would use my mom’s guidance and the holy spirit to choose. I knew if i waited hours or days, I would never be able to pick, being the indecisive person I am.
I knew Africa was a continent calling my name, and Swaziland was for sure up there on my list. eventually it came down to two different routes, and South Africa was actually the main reason i couldn’t decide. a prayer and a click later, route 3 became my home!!
even though I was feeling ALL the feels, i knew this choice was right and that God would do something big here. ever since I have been thinking of South Africa…
and here we are! during month 3 of my race all the girls will be travelling to Jefferys Bay, South Africa to do intentional ministry with the Global Leadership Academy (GLA). We will teach classes, work on projects, and help in various community outreaches. all of our guys will stay back in Swazi to focus on leadership and continue in children’s ministry.
I am so beyond excited for this new addition, and I know all my other ladies are too! crazy to think He knew what was on so many of our minds and now He gets to use us in an awesome way!
please begin praying over this country and city as we prepare to minister to these people!
ALSO: I leave for the race in about 5 months!?!?! WHAT! so so crazy. that being said, it is my goal to be fully funded before I leave. this means about $6,500 is left to raise. as daunting as it might seen, I believe He will make a way to provide this money in that time! if you wish to help and partner with me, I would love to talk! you can click the “donate” button at the top, email me, or even comment below! any amount is appreciated ($1, $5, $50, $100, etc.). if you would, please pray about how you can give! and of course, prayer is needed in this time as well!
much love every body!
gretchen waters
“trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” – proverbs 3:5-6