so today i was listening to a song called providence (broke my chains) by citipointe live and the Lord really spoke to me. the scene of peter stepping out onto the water of a lake to reach Jesus became so vivid to me in a time of listening.
when the disciples in the boat first saw Jesus on the water, they were scared. i think often we see amazing works and begin to fear, because they seem so big or too crazy to be true. we jump to the conclusion that things are out of hand or we could get stuck. with simple words, however, Jesus calmed them.
“‘take courage! it is I. don’t be afraid.'” (matthew 14: 27b)
this is a command! Jesus speaks this message to us very often in the bible, and yet we always run to anxiousness and fear. i believe if we started to see anxiousness as a real sin and courage as a command, we would view our fear in a whole different light.
Jesus then calls peter into the water. although peter was faithful and bold, he was also fearful and when the wind came his way he lost focus and began to sink. he let the distractions in and called out, “Lord, save me!” (v 30b).
it’s a good thing our God is gracious, He came to the rescue and pulled peter up and onto the boat.
this is us. this is me. He calls us onto the water and we are so eager and ready. we start running on the water and yet the simplest gust of wind sends up sinking to the bottom. the distractions of the world block our view of Jesus and we turn our heads.
this is a lesson i am learning from. God has called me onto the world race, and right now it is my water. i am stepping out in faith and looking Jesus right in the face. but here is the thing, i KNOW distractions are coming. fear will come rushing in and i will doubt if this is my calling.
but i want to keep my eyes on Jesus. i won’t lose focus. even if i do begin to sink, i know Jesus is right there with an outstretched hand ready to set me back on the boat.
trust. it takes a lot of trust. i know He is good and is bringing me through. i know this is my calling and the Lord has affirmed that in so many ways the past few weeks. i am stepping out now, so join me, and look to Jesus.
“then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying. ‘truly you are the Son of God.'” (v 33)
ps: yay my second post! just want to fill y’all in with what the Lord is teaching me!