Today I was talking to a friend and the phrase “yeah, I leave next Saturday” slipped out. As the words left my mouth, my brain processed them and all of these little alarm bells started going off. Next Saturday!!! Impossible!! But reality! And there’s still so much to do and a hundred “see you laters” and I’m not packed yet and and and !!!! 

When I committed to the World Race, January 2022 felt lightyears away… and well… now it’s literally 2 days away. In just over a week, I’ll be reunited with my squad and our leadership team for a few more days of training and preparation. 

In just over 2 weeks, we’ll be on our way to Guatemala!

Something that’s been coming up again and again for me lately is the act of remembrance. When I was praying about the World Race before, during, and after applying, the Lord kept bringing me back to Deuteronomy 8, to a section labeled “Remember the Lord Your God”.

In this section, Moses recounts the Exodus story and over and over calls the Israelites to remember God’s faithfulness as He led them (by cloud and fire) and sustained them (through the miracles of manna and health and their garments never wearing out) and continually reminded them of His covenant to the people (of a promised land). 

In one of my favorite Old Testament stories, Joshua is leading the people over the Jordan river and the Lord tells him to have 12 guys grab 12 stones and stack them. Joshua says to the men, “When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever” (Joshua 4:6-7). 

He instructs them to make an Ebenezer — a Hebrew word, defined as “a commemoration of divine assistance,” something you look at so you can remember. 

Joshua says, when you’re asked about this, remember God’s faithfulness. 

When you see this, remember God’s faithfulness. 

When you think of this experience, remember God’s faithfulness.

When you reflect on this, remember God’s faithfulness. 

Remember. Remember. Remember. 


One of my favorite songs right now says: 

and I will build an altar, stack it stone by stone 

cause every Ebenezer says I’ve never been alone

my faith will surely falter, but that don’t change what You’ve done

cause every Ebenezer points to where my help comes from 


So I think that’s what I’ve been doing lately. Stacking stones, remembering God, reflecting on His goodness again and again. 

 My heart still aches as I think about the goodbyes that are coming this weekend and in the next week. My bags are still completely unpacked and disheveled. My mind races pretty often trying to think through all the small details. 

But at the same time, my soul says it is well and I remember — God’s goodness, mercy, grace, trustworthiness, and faithfulness. 

Prayer requests for now: 

– for excitement for me and my squad mates to continue to build as we move closer to launch! 

– for rest and peace for our leaders as they gather a few days early to prepare and train. 

– for my fundraising and the fundraising of my squad mates! 


I am around $6000 away from being fully funded! My prayer is to be fully funded as close to launch as possible. I hope to be able to spend every moment on the mission field focused on what is in front of me! Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in what God is doing this coming year? 

Tax deductible donations can be made through the link at the top of my blog! If you have any questions at all about what I am doing in the coming year, or where your donation goes, I’d love to answer those for you. 🙂 

As always, thank you for reading! I appreciate you!! Wishing you a Happy New Year!