Hello everyone! 

I’m excited to announce that I will be going on another trip with Adventures in Missions! 

During my time on the race my heart grew so much for the global church. There was a constant reflection of us trying our best to be a reflection of Jesus to the people we were there to serve and them being a reflection of Jesus to us. I remember one day in Guatemala our ministry hosts surprised a family with a new stove (that would greatly reduce smoke exposure) and the family responded saying that we could not install it yet because they were cooking us lunch on their old stove! 

Being home has given me a lot of time to reflect on all of it and also think about the things God has stirred up in my hearts, predominantly unreached people groups. For years I’ve felt a tug on my heart to go to Southeast Asia and after spending a considerable amount of time asking God what this meant for the next step in my life, I was told about a trip going to Southeast Asia to specifically minister to unreached people groups! 

After finding out about this I spent a lot of time praying about it and I have only grow more confident over time. I am so excited to experience this all and to share it with all of you! 


(For the safety of the believers who live in these countries I will not be publicly saying where I will be going. If you are interested in joining with me in prayer as I prepare for this trip or while I am on the field and are interested in more specifics of the trip send me a message.)