Yesterday morning we woke up expecting to go continue doing some manual labor at a farm nearby, but it rained so we were given the day off! We are staying in a host home with full time missionaries, which means we get a glimpse into what life on the field truly looks like. It is teaching us to be flexible, keep open hands, and to work in ways that best meet the needs of the people here. That means that most days we wake up and have no idea what the day will look like, we just go wherever we are called and needed. We get to go and meet people exactly where they are.

After a day of recharging in the word, spending time with our team, and a game of BINGO; we turned on the disco ball and decided to throw on some worship music. This is something we do here to end most nights, but none of us expected what was to come this night.. 

Around 9:45, we decided to play “Isaiah’s Song” by Maverick City. This song is a long one but the lyrics speak such truth..

“So don’t fear
I will be Your song
Sing, sing, oh barren land
Water is coming to the thirsty
Though you are empty, I am the well
Draw from me, I will provide
I’m a river in the desert
Pouring my spirit on the broken
Giving beauty for your ashes
Joy for your sadness and mourning
Heavens open
He’s making ways in the wilderness
He’s making rivers in the desert”
We declared these truths over our lives through dancing, shouting, and praises. & WOW did the Lord meet us there. Just as He has every time, He met us in the midst of our worship. It was one of those moments where it feels as if Heaven is meeting Earth. When you can so clearly feel the Spirit right there with you. Just as Psalm 100 says, we literally sang ourselves into His presence. We kept laughing and talking about how we could keep going all night..

Worship is my thin space, it is where I can meet Jesus no matter where I am or how I’m feeling. Some of our team went to sleep, but the rest of us decided to stay awake and worship a little longer.


Then, our host came out and let us know we needed to quiet down by 10 & that someone had been throwing rocks at our roof. Crazy how the enemy works to put a stop to our praise. Not even 3 minutes after we had turned the music off, we look outside and see that the police had been called. When they saw there were hardly any lights on in the house and that the house was completely silent, they just turned around and left. 
I think it was the coolest thing that we were so boldly and joyfully worshipping that others expected a party and wanted to put a stop to it. It reminds me of the story in 1 Samuel about the woman who was praying so intently everyone in the town assumed she was drunk. But in reality, we were so freely experiencing the Lord that we couldn’t stay quiet. WHERE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS, THERE IS FREEDOM!!
What is holding you back from experiencing that kind of freedom?