Real Fact #352: Storm clouds hold about 6 trillion raindrops. 

I see these facts everytime i open a new bottle of diet snapple tea. But for some reason this one hit me hard and i couldn’t figure out why. But after thinking on it a bit, here’s what i think. Storm clouds are dark and heavy. They come and go quickly and destroy things in their path. They darken the view but soon after it gets lighter, even if the sun doesn’t come out. 

The storms roll in and out of cities and states, picking and choosing where the damage hits most. But rain it doesn’t lash out, in fact it can cure droughts and promote growth. Yet, it still casts a darkness as it is covered in smoke colored clouds. Rain is a good thing, a beautiful thing , but darkness follows it. In fact those fear brewing storm clouds are full of good things. Not only that but its full of 6 trillion good things. 

When we step into the valley, the dark times, its hard to stay positive, to look for the light. But all we really have to do is find the beautiful moments. The light makes the darkness disapear. Which God can do in an instant. But the beautiful things, they make the darkness easier to walk through, no matter how long the storm lasts. When we are constantly searching for the light, we miss out on what God puts before us. 

There is so much beauty surrounding us, it can be as simple as song lyrics or a hug from a friend. When we are in a storm, Jesus doesn’t ask us to just sit there and wait for the sun to come back out. He asks us to dance in thhe rain and notice the simple beauty of all of it. I will now forever see the blessing of the storm and I hope you will too. 


Sailing through the Storm - Your Daily Bible Verse - July 28 ...