PSA: In Latin and South America, they can not pronounce Corryn very well, so I stick with Karina 🙂
Every day looks a little different, but here is a description of what an average day in Medellin, Colombia, looks like!
6:05am – Wake up call! Sun shining in my eyes! Loud noises of honking trucks and motorcycles passing each other on the busy roads.
6:30am – Run down two flights of stairs, running because I am typically late, but meet with the woman’s program for bible study! Then, I pretend to understand the bible in Spanish when I pretty much don’t understand it in English. Luckily, then we have quality time with them in prayer, still only understanding half!
7:00am – Walk to the 4th floor kitchen and start prepping for breakfast and lunch for all of the people in the rehabilitation center. This usually looks like me getting yelled at in spanish to chop fruit and chicken faster, maybe cutting a few fingers here and there, and tons of laughter.
8:10am – Run to the first floor for breakfast with our team! I run this time because I love food.
9:30am – Usually, I slowly walk back to the fourth floor to meet back in the kitchen for clean time. This looks like doing lots of dishes and scrubbing the floors.. They like it clean here in Colombia, as they should!
12:00pm – Walk, not particularly fast or slow, back to the first floor for lunch!
1:30pm – After lunch our squad usually splits up to start a new ministry…it differs each day but something like going to a park for evangelism, playing with the children, helping with work projects around Ciudad Refugio, boxing up hundreds of boxes, going to a woman’s or elderly home, or teaching some kind of class!
5:30pm – Dinner, yummy! One of my fav times of the day!
6:30pm- Honestly… there’s these two hours of time and some days we hang out, sometimes we help out, I can’t remember?? At this point of the day my brain is not working at the ideal speed soooooooo???? Who knows? Two hours of something!
8:30pm – Team time! Feedback! Reflection! Worship! Go over plans for the next day!
10:00pm(ish) – BEDTIME!!!!!! I sleep in the living room, so I get to politely tell everyone to go to bed… nobody wants to see GRUMPY Karina! Usually, I am not a morning person but Colombia has changed me and now I am not a night person. Lol!
So this is what an average day looks like? Wednesdays and Sundays look a little different because of church activities, but at least you have a small idea! Nobody really asked for this… I just wanted to share!
P.S. Hi mom! I miss you too! I love you too! I promise I am being safe! Yes, I am having fun! Yes, I am learning a lot! Yes, I can’t wait to see you when I get home!
Thanks for reading!
Corryn “Karina” Scharff <3