So as my time as a team leader for Gap C has comes to a close, a new work begins. Im excited to announce that I will be going on Kingdom Interruption!! 


What is that you might ask?? 


Well I’ll tell you!! 


It’s a journey around the U.S. where me and 3 other men who I’ve met through Adventures in Missions, stay and serve communities around the U.S. It’s common to stay with world race alumni/network. Which is amazing because of the similar experiences that we’ve had in terms of ministry and kingdom living!  However, it is not limited to just world race peeps, but whoever the Lord directs us to.


The hope is to activate members of the body of Christ into missions at home and abroad! And by staying with hosts we get the opportunity to encourage them and also challenge them in their walk with the Lord as they start or continue bringing heaven to earth! 


Some examples of what ministry could look like are: Going to colleges and universities, joining gatherings and worship nights they host while having intentional conversations about their life and how they can make an impact possibly on the World Race. 


Another would be through the local church. Whether it’s small group, bible study, or regular gatherings. We will have the opportunity to be in the midst of believers who want to live a missionlly minded life while at home. And we get to show them how to be led by Holy Spirit in any place they enter and see the Lord show up in crazy ways. 


What’s amazing is that there are so many alumni racers who are all over the United States. With Kingdom Interruptions its our opportunity to visit and experience what God is doing in their lives currently. We get to see how the Father is establishing his Kingdom in pockets all around the nation.