Hey there! Are you ready to join me on the adventure of a life time?

Well, let’s go! 

If I haven’t met you yet, hi! I’m Victoria and I am absolutely thrilled to share my story with you! I was born in Texas, but I have been informed that living there for 10 days doesn’t count as being a Texan, so I guess I’ll proudly claim status as an Oklahoman where I have lived the following 25 years of my life. I grew up in the country with my amazing parents, 9 siblings, and enough animals to fill a small zoo. Some days felt like I actually did live in a zoo, but I love my family and the experiences and memories we have together. 

I have always enjoyed serving and volunteering in a variety of ways: church, ministries, local outreaches, etc., so I was excited to do missions trips as well. In 2015, I went on my first international mission trip to Ecuador, and in 2016, to Nicaragua. They both changed my life in many ways, but my biggest takeaway was a new perspective…how I perceived God, people, cultures, worship…it all changed…

When I was in those countries, worshiping the same God alongside people in other languages, hearing their personal testimonies, and witnessing firsthand how they lived life that I realized, unconsciously though it was, I saw people of other cultures and races as different from me. But at the core, they aren’t really any different. They are human. They have emotions and stories and memories. They love and need to be loved. And most of all, they need to know how eternally, mercifully, and crazy in love God is with them! God reaches across oceans and mountains, cultures and languages, religions and customs, and He simply loves. Oh, how He loves!

That love wrecked my life in the best way imaginable. Experiencing the depth and width of His love for me has opened my eyes to how He wants me to overflow that love and mercy to everyone around me. It’s a gift meant to be given again and again. And that’s exactly what I hope to do on this adventure with World Race. 

There is a story in Matthew 20 that talks of two blind men who come to Jesus to be healed. Verses 32-33 say, And stopping, Jesus called them and said, “What do you want me to do for you?” They said to him, “Lord, let our eyes be opened.”” I love this image and it has become my prayer not only for this trip, but also for my life. 

Lord, let my eyes be opened.

Thank you SO much for joining me in this journey through your prayers and support. I cannot wait to see what God will do!