As most of you know, we went through team changes almost a month ago. I’m so sorry I’m behind; we have not had much access to wifi. But I wanted to introduce you to my new team!!

Kingdom Seekers


From left to right: Ana M, Kaitlynn, Simona, me, Amanda, and Kaci.

Ana M, Logistics for Z. (Columbia & Florida)- She’s a motivated and patient personality who loves to serve people. She’s good on the administrative side of things and organization. She’s such an inspiring person and definitely leads by example. She lives without caring about who’s watching and truly gives her all in everything. She’s also very teachable and loves to travel! She’s a boss. Also, she’s been to 50+ countries!

Kaitlynn, Health and Safety Coordinator for Z. (Wisconsin)- this girl is such a gentle soul. She may seem quiet but she knows how to properly put her opinion out there, giving space for everyone to speak and is a great listener. Also, she’s the kind of person who leaves anonymous crafty notes of appreciation on your stuff or does random acts of service without wanting public acknowledgment.

Simona, Team Bible Study Coordinator. (Italy, Europe)- This woman is a bold force for the Kingdom of God and loves hard. She brings awareness to cultural aspects that we may not know or that we’ve forgotten. She speaks multiple languages including French, Spanish and Italian (obviously). A fierce but kind personality with a heart for Jesus. She loves to learn and do research and is so passionate.

Amanda Y, Team Leader. (Nebraska/Colorado)- we hung out a lot towards the end of Training Camp and she was even right by my side for every step of my fitness hike. It’s good to be on a team together and really get to know each other more. She’s such a bright personality with such joy, a beautiful smile and contagious laughter (and loves hugs)! She LOVES children and is always willing to help with them. She leads with such grace, gentleness and patience.

Kaci, Team Storyteller. (California)- another beauty that I spent quite a bit of time with at Training Camp. She reminds me a lot of a good friend of mine from HS in all the best ways. Kaci brings out my inner talker and it’s pretty hilarious when we’re both a little hyper and chatting. Jam sessions and heart to hearts are basically her love languages (and mine!). She also has such a beautiful heart for children and can’t wait to have a family of her own (which I know she’ll be incredible with). She’s such a joyful spirit with a big heart and a passionate soul.

My roles have changed too!!

I’m now the Team Treasurer for Kingdom Seekers which essentially means that I’m in charge of making sure we stay in budget on food, transportation, etc.

I’m also the Beauty for Ashes coordinator for the Squad which basically means that I’m encouraging and supporting all of the women on Z Squad to be involved in women’s ministry and bringing awareness to any opportunities to serve the women around us.

I’m excited to see how the Lord uses Kingdom Seekers in the coming months; including using us to grow each other. I’m also excited to see where He places us and who He puts in our path and on our hearts!

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33NLT