I mentioned briefly in my last blog that I shaved off all my hair in an act of surrender to Jesus. 


And that explanation was extremely vague and left a lot room for confusion. And with a decision like this, a thorough explanation is needed! 


But instead of describing the event and what led up to it, I’ll let the video do the talking 🙂 


My incredibly talented and God-loving friend, Justin, was sweet enough to not only capture the night, but create and edit a video about it! The Lord has abundantly gifted Justin with eyes to see people like the Father does and this video is so evident in that. 





“It all boils down to following Jesus. And living in a state of constant surrender. You cannot surrender just one time to Jesus. He asks everything of you. And sometimes that comes in the form of surrendering future plans. Or desires. Or dreams. 

And sometimes it takes the form of surrendering your hair. But dang, it’s so much more than hair. It’s surrendering my obsession of control. And my obsession of outward beauty. And my obsession of feeling like I have any sort of grip. 

It’s realizing my lack of trust in Him. It’s realizing I’ve actually dug my own possessions in a field, and acting like I’ve given everything to the Lord. It’s realizing how much approval I seek from others and how little I view myself like the Father does. 

You cannot dip your toes into the kingdom of God. He asks everything of you. Sometimes that’s 7 months overseas and sometimes it’s all of your hair. 

He’s brought me back to Luke 7 time and time again. He is sitting at dinner with the Pharisees, and a woman who was living in sin, saw Him, and brought an alabaster jar of perfume. Everything she had. The perfume that brought her her worth, suddenly meant nothing when she locked eyes with the Savior. As she is weeping, she starts to pour out all her perfume on His feet, symbolizing full surrender and a demonstration of great and sacrificial love. 

And He has been gently reminding me, “hey, you still have some perfume left. Give it to me. I need both hands.” 

So here I am, pouring out my perfume at His feet. Because following Him is a life of constant sacrifice, obedience, and surrender. And I am diving head first in His kingdom. 

He is so worthy of everything. Even my hair. 

Jesus, you deserve every ounce of me, and you deserve every ounce of glory. 

This one’s for you.”