With less than two months before we Launch, it seems to be getting more hectic with last minute errands. I have had a list of things I need to get done before I leave, but the procrastinator in me has just been pushing those tasks aside.

I committed to The World Race in February and I am just now getting my vaccinations, last minute gear, doctors appointments, updating drivers license, informing everyone including my bank that I will be gone for 11 months etc.


Because I didn’t know if I was actually going to go. I knew I was being called to this journey by God, should be an easy decision right? Not for me. I have struggled with giving up my plans and letting His plans for my life take over. I just kept raising money thinking to myself “Am I actually going to do this?”.The answer is a big fat YES.

I wasn’t confident in myself and I kept thinking why would God choose ME of all people for this Kingdom Journey?! I thought He for sure made a mistake and notified the wrong person of this calling. The King of Kings making a mistake? Come on, Kellie. 

This fundraising journey has been an amazing walk with the Lord that I never expected. When I started raising money, I had the mentality that I was just checking boxes off to go on this amazing spiritual journey. God has shown me that I am already on a spiritual journey! He has placed it on peoples hearts to help send me on this journey and people are showing up. 

I missed my first $5,000 deadline but received an extension since I was actively working on reaching this goal. I walked into training camp with $4,200 and a little bummed because mostly everyone around me had hit the deadline and I was still struggling with no idea how I was going to do it. We were told to write a journal about our thoughts in the moment and really pour everything out. I wrote about how I did not think I would be able to make it through fundraising and I was nervous that this was not going to happen. Y’all. I literally logged onto my blog five minutes later and I had $5,500 raised. I flipped.

How was this possible? I just checked earlier that morning and I was still at $4,200. God. Is. Good. As the week goes on, I checked my blog again and I had over $6,000! Just in the time of me being at training camp more than $2,000 was donated to this journey. Get this, most of it was from complete strangers! The Lord really blows me away with His love. I am so honored that these amazing people have jumped on this journey with me and I can’t wait to have you all by my side starting right now! 


With that being said, I do have a $10,000 deadline by December 13. Could you pray for my squad and I as we prepare our final tasks before Launch? Pray for fundraising and that God calls more people to be a part of this journey. I need 69 more subscribers to hit my goal as well!! Share with your friends and family!