We’ve all got our hitches and our hang ups. Things that are difficult for us. Things that hold us back. 

I’d venture a guess that for many of us, at least one of our “issues” has something to do with trust. We struggle to trust other people to show up, to be reliable, to accomplish tasks, or to steward confidences well. We struggle to trust God to be big enough to handle unexpected situations, circumstances that we don’t understand, or the difficulties caused by our own shortcomings and failures. We doubt that what he has for our lives is truly good. We feel more comfortable relying on ourselves, staying within the realm of the explainable, and operating within our own personal skillset.


I am convinced that there is abundant life waiting on the other side of our distrust, on the other side of our fear. 

There is abundance for me when I stop striving for my own good and I put others before myself.

There is abundance for me when I stop fighting to protect myself and I enter into what the Lord is inviting me into.

There is abundance for me when I listen to his still small voice even when it doesn’t make sense to me.

THERE IS ABUNDANCE on the other side of my understanding.

When I go out on a limb and trust the Lord, he doesn’t leave me hanging. When I submit to him, he makes my paths straight. When I honor the Lord and turn my back on what displeases him, it brings health to my body and nourishes my bones. When I give to him first, my life is filled to overflowing and new wine abounds. (Prov 3:5-10)

Even this week, his faithfulness and love surprised me to the point of tears when I allowed him to gently draw me beyond my fears, beyond my hangups, and beyond my desires for satisfaction in the now. 

May I give him space to surprise me more. May I give him space to meet me and calm my heart. May I give him space to show up as he is… the big, faithful God who reigns over all. 

And may the Lord meet you this week in that space that is higher than your own logic and reasoning. May he whoo you into the secret places of his heart. Places beyond the reach of your hindrances and your hang ups. Past the roadsigns of reservation and doubt. Past the hills and hurdles that have held you up before, that have seemed to put a temporary hold on your journey, that have whispered dark things in your ears. 

May we come to him with greater and greater abandon, trusting him to be who he always said he was. The faithful one, the good shepherd, the one who is worthy of all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise. May we truly trust in him with ALL of our hearts and cease leaning on the tottering wall of our own understanding. (Prov 3:5) May he truly be the solid rock on which we stand. (Ps 62:1-2, 71:3)

Amen and amen.